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Green.Sliche's advice helped:

1. I gave names to all the timers and dialog related things.

2. I changed the waiting time before the secondary dialogs to 1 second.

Probably helped by change #2, for some reason a time other than a second in waiting causes a bug.

I used the bug checker built into the mighty script (click on the bug icon) - all the scripts are bug free.

You can find the map here https://support.brightrockgames.com/communities/1/topics/5419-the-map-is-completely-broken.

In the topicstart.

There's a link and map files.

I made a script where the trigger is the Empire blade lotus damage. And the action - "Modify AI" for the Empire (in the line "Personality" this time just specified Ravager, instead of "Personality Ravager"). There were no bugs this time, and the trigger to change the Empire's personality worked. So I have two versions of the reason for the bug.

1) Conflict of "On Start" trigger with "Modify AI" action (at least for Empire, if Empire Personality is specified in card settings).

2) Wrong value in the "Modify AI" line (in the "Personality" line) - i.e. I've specified something, that MS (Mighty Script) can't process, the map is broken.

In case 2), MS should a) indicate that an invalid value has been entered, and b) suggest variants of the appropriate value.

And even more correctly and conveniently it will be possible to make a drop-down list instead of a text string, in this case it will be impossible to enter the wrong value - the map creator will only have to choose Personality.

I found out the reason for the bug. I made another map, and there was this script: the trigger was "On Start", the action was "Modify AI (Personality - Guardian Personality, difficulty - dominant, faction - Empire"). Look at this screenshot.

At the same time, in the settings of the map, I indicated the Empire's personality (complexity - dominant, and personality - Mira). I also added a screenshot.

In that map I added 2 more triggers, but they do not matter for the bug.

I removed the trigger with the action "Modify AI", saved and republished the map. And the bug is gone!

I removed a similar Trigger in the map "Seven bridges of Königsberg" (the Trigger also touched the Empire, and in the settings of the map I also set an Personality for the Empire) - the bugs are gone too. That is, the problem with this trigger (On start - Modify AI).

And, let me explain to you, I applied the Modify AI action, because the Empire personality settings in the map were not applied (I looked when I played, through npcdebug - Empire had no personality (although something sluggishly built). Both maps are of the "Custom" type.

This is another bug (consisting in the fact that the indication of personality for the Empire does not work).

I made a copy of the map (imported), Seven bridges of Koenigsberg - there are the same bugs.

This is a rare problem, however, when I started making the last map, it became more frequent. Fresher logs.2020-06-19and20.rar

Again :(
When click on "Custom campaigns", too heavy script is triggered, just check it by comparing it with other sections of the game (what happens when you click).

Unfortunately, the problem was repeated, now on the map of Icey Peak. I noticed that often after avtosave, the creatures froze in place, to help get rid of this, pressing Esk and returning to the game helped. On this map was a part, accessible only in the mode of possession (through the door of obsession), I went there. Autosave occurred, and the game froze, as last time - the cursor is not visible, the button does not work, but the tabs of the game menu are pressed. I was forced to kill the game process through the task manager.



War for the Overworld Launcher Log.txt

Worse, I have no saves from this map, more precisely, I played for the first time after playing a previous map (specified in the top-start), the new play had many auto saves and manual saves, - now nothing! I am afraid that now I can not remain in the game!