
An additional addon for Tavern: There's a second bug involved that makes it so you can hit level 10 in a minute or so. 


Two tables next to each other.

Eat from first table.

Start eating from second table, and while holding down the action key(Probably mouse1) move view to the first table.

There's only a check ran when the minion starts to eat, not when the minion finishes. So as long as you start eating from a table with food, it will award XP+drop gold and attempt to remove food from a table which has none - Allowing you to loop quickly.

OK this has taken a lot longer than I initially expected. Still need to revisit certain custom scenarios that I know will trigger the crashes mentioned above, though I suspect its the same cause(s) as most others just that those scenarios pull the engine to its breaking point and GC is not able to handle the workload when exiting. Might also be a link to importing old levels, its very common on larger levels made pre-2018.

Also lacking regarding the AI issue mentioned above, on to-do list.

For clarity - "Inconsistent reproducibility" is meant as not able to find an easy way to reproduce outside actually playing the game for an extended period of time, and even then not 100% guaranteed to see most issues occur.


The texture and icon for gold piles changing to a forge box + Piglet with forge box icon + Forge box with gold pile icon:
No log info. Inconsistent reproducibility, but seen on every playthrough of a custom scenario.
It goes both ways, but its rarer to see forge boxes with the gold pile texture or icon. Could be because of more frequent interaction with gold piles.
Piglets also take on the forge-box icon on rare occasions.

Corpses in canyons are not properly despawned after "reaching" the bottom.
No log info.
Inconsistent reproducibility outside of playing a large scenario for 1-2 hours, then spawn in enemy flying units to kill over a canyon.

Manufacturing shrines loosing the limit or multiplying its spawn points on load.
No log info.
On load of pretty much any level with 30min+ playtime. Workers will drag boxes from Forge prop-storage to the shrine(s), each load. Not sure exactly how many they deliver to each storage spot, but seems to be more than one.



Probably linked to MightyScript(see serious issues) failing to properly execute scripts on reload.

I assume this is directly linked to "Converted minions turning into drones", that these enemy minions that turn into "ghostunits" are either captured or converted before the event(destruction of Dungeon Core or Inhibitor) occurs that turns them into disabled units.

Shows as "Unit is disabled!" in debug menu.


Minion tags vanishing.
No log info.
Inconsistent reproducibility.
Its made more rare(and easier to spot) by setting shield visibility to "Always on" in options but still happens often for imprisoned minions if the count is high(10+).

Ritual UI menu becoming stuck.

Inconsistent reproducibility.

Seemingly always linked to output log with:

"An unpooled VFX Object was destroyed, elements remaining in stack 1" on ritual execution. Pretty sure I've not seen the UI bug out without that being printed in log.

This output has also become an indicator for me to expect things to get wonky in general, IE pathing becoming unreliable and that save/reload will probably results in Impenetrable Rock and/or Tavern and Crypt props being reset.




Workers(and other minions) forgetting static work-points.

Inconsistent reproducibility.

See "output_log-14.7GBpvb-9.8GBws.txt" above, as well as output_log_Ren_of_Life_modified.txt below.

Seen on all large levels after 60+ minutes of playtime and high minion and/or kill count.

In regards to Tavern and refilling the cannons, its potentially aggravated by having more than one Tavern. IE the Tavern last built is given priority, and results in all others being neglected as playtime increases. Have not seen the issue with cannon-refill as often after I started having one very large tavern instead of several spread out, in conjunction with Worker Rally on cannons.

Example below had a previous instance of that Tavern emptying completely, but didn't screenshot it. After taking this screenshot and watching the 3 top-left cannons empty completely I dropped one worker near closest food cannon and all workers woke up to start filling the empty cannons as well.


PS: Two Taverns, the one in screenshot and one on far left side that had no issues being refilled. Beasts "lived" in bottom left corner with their own large hatchery.

All cannons had a Worker Rally flag on screenshot, and is an example of how flags occasionally go invisible on load after leaving render view, even after replacing(Imp flags and CTA becomes invisible).

Occasionally the last-placed flag remains, as in this case.

CTA(Call to arms) not clearing for captured minions.

Inconsistent reproducibility.

I've made a habit of converting these minions to see what happens, and it usually results in them attempting to follow previous CTA after conversion. Fixed by giving a new CTA and clearing it.

Based on notes taken for #1, 20181128165019 should be before or just as the bug occurs and was able to reproduce it consistently on load, while 20181128171410 is after it has occurred. Problem is I am unable to verify this, since copying the save games back into folder does not work, I can't see them in load menu.



the transylwania castle_20181128165019
the transylwania castle_20181128171410.meta
the transylwania castle_20181128171410
the transylwania castle_20181128165019.meta


Serious: (Suspect they are all linked to GC)

Crash on exit.

Will come back to it.

Currently only have one log, from Lockshackle.


Fragmented AI.

Will come back to it. Haven't had time to properly play through a large official or custom skirmish. Potentially linked to MightyScript though.

Unknown exception linked to AI Colossus spawning.

Cornucopia(Undergames), Kasita(AI) summoning Colossus. Extreme microlag as a result.

Good luck with this one.. Had it happen twice in 5 attempts with recent patch, never seen it in previous playthroughs on old patch.

First Instance - Paused as I saw the first exceptions, took screenshot and copied output_log to help pinpoint cause.

Flood continued until Colossus was slain. Full output_log ended at 273,000 lines. No crash!



4 bonus round cornucopia_20181129172600.meta
4 bonus round cornucopia_20181129172600


Saving does not properly save tile states or MightyScript script-states and any previously applied modifiers.

I can't see how these are not linked.

On a level with high playtime or a large number of states(gold piles, rooms, props, minions etc), the level is not saved properly and results in a large amount of issues ranging from seemingly minor to gamebreaking.


-Tavern table prop has only 1 food slot(always west). The other 3 are visually empty, and not refilled by cannons. 

Fixed by selling prop-tile and rebuilding.

-Barracks prop vanishing completely. Fixed by selling and rebuilding.

-Forge stored boxes becoming invisible, even after picking up and placing back down. Fixed by dropping on ground and letting workers move it back.

-(Guesswork)Manufacturing Shrine box-count forgotten or prop wrongly set so workers think its a Forge storage-prop thereby on level load moving extra boxes from Forge to Shrine. Seemingly no cap when saving and loading, seen at least 15 boxes in one pile.

-Room toggle-switch state visually resetting, but not functionally resetting. Mendechaus gives wrong audio prompts.

-Room toggle-switch state functionally resetting, but not visually. Mendechaus gives correct audio prompts.

-All micro-piglets moved to a single Hatchery. Seemingly no adverse affects, they are sustained and don't die.


-Crypt prop looses stored corpses.

-Crypt prop vanishing completely. Fixed by selling and rebuilding.

-Forge storage prop looses stored boxes.

-Torture Chamber prop interaction coordinates being set outside of level bounds, always south-west corner on the edge of the Impenetrable Rock.


-Treasury tile loosing its tile information(has no tile name), with solid collision. Minions struggle to path around it, and is something I suspect as potential cause for observed late-game pathing issues even on reloading. Finding those tiles is next to impossible for me if its not a room tile with visual states.

Also suspect this is the beginning of Impenetrable Rock popping up, after saving and reloading the level.


-Randomly(Seemingly) scattered Impenetrable Rock on level load. Only pattern observed is that I've never seen them pop up on neutral territory. If you can offer instructions on how to load backed-up saves(they don't show up in-game when copying into save folder), I can give save games both before and after.


-Parts of Mightyscript breaks on loading a save.

(Ren of Life https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1588211607 - Imported, verified ID's and actions, added two additional On Click scripts for "Gateway Spawning" and "Faction Modifier")

Parts of Mightyscript breaks in the course of playing through a level, having memory-usage/states climb, then saving and quitting.
On load, parts will not execute as they should(even with On click trigger or similar) or previous applied modifiers and never function again for that save game.

"On Start" scripts and additional cloned "On Click" scripts set to a corner-block of quartz. "Actions" set to "Faction Modifier" and "Gateway spawning" units for player faction, modifying:
Unit XP, Gold Income, Mana Regeneration, Beast+Intelligent Population Cap, Beast+Intelligent spawn time, Gold Value, Starting Workers, Max Mana, Necromancer Spawn - Additional gateway and beast units.

First and second save/quit/reload worked as expected with all modifiers applying correctly.

Third load forgot previous "On Start" modifiers, and applied Unit XP, Beast Population Cap+spawn time, Max Mana and Gateway Spawning from "On Click" script.

Other modifiers were not applied. No log output at On Click execution.
It also forgot all other modifiers applied On Start(for Empire), and did not properly execute scripts when triggered - IE halting time-triggered patrol spawns on Inhibitor destruction, or applying modifiers to these time-triggered spawns of patrols(It was applied to just 1 unit in a group of 4).

Level immediately faded to black on objective completion, even though that is set to On Click with player Dungeon Core as condition.

Second load saw occasional pathing issues near end. Third load also had a few Impenetrable Rocks scattered over empire territory.
No food bug, a lot of pathing issues from about line 1725 and onwards with occasionally major microlag, mostly resolved by building prison, crypt and vault near expansion area - Moongate ineffective.
Line 2070->3742, captured a Tavern and log was spammed with these exceptions - stopped immediately after selling it. No script triggers attached to that tavern.


A heads up that this is not necessarily caused by the Arcane Inhibitor, guessing Mighty Script, and not purely older levels. Encountered it on official maps(The Under Games+skirmish), and Custom Campaign (Squad Leader by Taktikus, third level) in which player is in possession mode and cannot build or cast spells. That level was created just a few days ago.

The affected units is shown in Debug Mode as "Unit is disabled!" under conditions, and there is no information in logs(For you to verify I've attached log, and a save from above Custom Campaign).


squad leader 3_20181201001848

squad leader 3_20181201001848.meta

It might be counting "New Year Goodness" under Crucible achievements, but showing a third complete still doesn't make sense. Shows the same for me, and thats the only achievement missing.

Ignore last. In process of reproducing as many of the bugs as possible and provide save(before and after if applicable)+logs+steps to reproduce(if applicable). Will probably take another few days.

In context of everything(after lets say 1 hour of large level/old save), or specific cases like the crash-on-exit?

Thank you Lee. I am still impressed by the fact you guys are to this day offering active support for WFTO.

One issue I forgot to extend on:

The WFTO crashes on exit probably has two different sources. First as described above(Unity GC), but I think there's a memory leak in WFTO in relation to units being killed as well. Cannot find the issue on tracker right now, remember stumbling on it before(it was from 1-2 years ago I think, about crashes when exiting Crucible level), but its especially obvious on Crucible levels or others(HoG level 1) with a large amount of units being killed. Memory usage of WFTO will keep climbing, and if high enough result in crash just from exiting the level(and not counting Crucible score).

Highest value I've seen is 20-25GB used for WFTOGame.exe on those sort of levels.

"and your previous comment" referring to previous conversation with Noontide.

All I currently have to go on regarding WFTO crash on exit is lackluster Windows event logs:


If you PM me details I can attach a debugger to see if that yields any more information, since I can easily reproduce it consistently.

This has returned in 2.0.6f(or earlier).