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The devs spoke about this before the update dropped. Due to the amount of work involved with localising it, they decided to release it in English at first and release the localisation later.

Can you do me a favour? Check if it works if you have enough mana to cast it at least twice. Then test if it works when you do not. I ask this because there was an issue a while ago, where Annex failed to claim a tile if I didn't have at least twice the mana cost, and I suspect this issue is more or less identical.

Would that Heal bug happen to occur whenever you have less that 400 mana?

Don't think you can. The artifacts are placed on holy ground, aren't they?

Will do as well, as long as Mendechaus stops telling me to expand my beast den.

Glad to hear it's not just an issue on my end. Looking forward to the fix. Thanks!

Might be an obvious question, but you've had your cultists figure out what artifacts they are, right?

Just as a recommendation, unlock Blood Money. You got the waste, might as well turn it into money.

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