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It says my report got merged, but I don't see it anywhere anymore. Why?

Reopen this, this report is about unrevealed areas.

It was level 2 of the original campaign. I decided to start it over in order to play the updated campaign. It seems to be tied to them coming closer to their destination, or when there is an obstacle in their path, but they don't even come into contact with it when this happens; in other words, that happens more easily when they are nearing their destination, or there is an obstacle ahead some distance. I don't think my specs have to do with the issue.

Maybe add some buffer around land near liquid tiles, that is barely enough not to get hurt if you are on it? Speaking about realism, that would add to it. And the buffer in the inner corners of land tiles should be a tad larger, so you could take shortcuts w/o touching the liquid.

I picked a stray worker before it could be instagibbed by a Huntress.

I don't care about how many declined reports I have. But I care about being sure there was no misunderstanding and so you actually followed my instructions the way I actually meant it. In our case, can you assure me that you tried both fresh new maps (yes, you did, I just mention for completeness sake) and on an old map where I encountered it, like Stonegate (IIRC its name correctly)? Closing reports prematurely w/o making sure you sorted all possible nuances that could lead to failing to spot described issues hurts you more than anything, do you think I will keep spending my time attempting to pinpoint it if I'm not sure I won't get declined just because I'm misunderstood or something? It's frustrating and does hurt my experience in bug reporting.

P. S. And, honestly, I don't see my latest half of reports as suggestions rather as bugs, but we might have a disagreement on the definition of a bug here.

Then it might be another of map editor issues, where it didn't correctly assign those units as prisoners as on map load they are technically still free despite being in the prison.

Guys, have you ever seen open bug trackers of other products? Unless there is a clear evidence something is not a bug, or was fixed already, duplicate, etc, they almost always wait for the issue creator to leave feedback on the matter if they weren't able to at least confirm the issue? Why do you close and much worse decline topics like if you are sure there is no bug at all immediately after failing to reproduce it?

Eh, did you follow the 'in the map editor' tidbit? I have a feeling you didn't.

But don't you see how useful it is that you can feed your creatures right off the bat after converting one w/o having to fallback to your own dungeon? I guessed it's a bug looking at those other strange conversion bugs I've encountered and reported.

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