Your comments

Thank you for the report.

@Coders see video and forum thread for details

It's possible that could have contributed to the situation then, but we'll know better once one of the coders takes a look at your log.

Nope you didn't misunderstand me, I just typed it out wrong haha

Either way it looks like the minimap isn't being updated correctly which probably is an oversight.

Hi Elicn, sorry to hear you're having issues with the game.

I took a quick look at your output log, and I saw a lot of repeated null reference errors, i'm no expert as i'm not one of the coders, but I think it's possible that those errors were repeating infinitely using up all the available memory until your system ran out causing the crash. As the data is being uploaded to the Steam cloud that would probably explain why it crashed as well.

Saving and Loading data is one of the most resource intensive parts of the game but with 8gb of RAM I wouldn't expect it to be running out of memory whilst saving under normal circumstances. IN this case it seems like the saving process is failing midsave, leaving you with an only partially saved (and therefore corrupted) savefile which the game is then unable to load properly.

Had you claimed a lot of the map and recruited quite a large army? that could be a factor as obviously that means there is more data to save and HoG4 is quite a large level.

In the mean time i'll pass this report through to the code team to take a look at and hopefully they'll have a better idea than I do what's causing your issue.

Thanks for the report.

Hi Policeofficer, it does look like something got out of order there and you're probably right about line 14a being the correct one.

I'll pass this through and i'm sure the code team can figure it out.

Thanks for the report.

Hi Webbernever,

#1 - That does sound like a small bug.

#2 - As far as I know there are 2 (slightly) different variants of the Sapper, each with different behaviour (although I think one of them was only used for a HoG campaign level so possibly isn't meant to be available in the editor).

#3 - Pretty sure that happens because the "remove gold" tool doesn't force the minimap to update like the terrain tools do.

Either way it's probably worth sending this through for a review by the code team although I expect it will probably end up as low priority for now.

Thanks for the report.

Hi Paolo

From what you've described (and your screenshot) it appears that the Menu UI is failing to appear. Can you try the steps listed in this article
and let me know if that resolves the issue.


Surely it would make sense that the only abilities they'd try to use whilst fleeing are ones which help with getting away (namely stuns and slows), anything else just gives the chaser time to catch up.

Apparently the new fixed version of the patch was pushed out this morning and should be live now.

Let us know if it's helped with your issue or not :)

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