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Game crashes then I load saves

On the saves of a neighboring topic, you can practice in creating large Vaults.


My saves.

Older saves are loaded, newer ones are not.

If you notice, you have bad initialization of the GUI menu fields.

In the game has the correct theme and worker.

Game version 1.6f12

Problem still exists.

I dont know. For all the time that I play in the WFTO, I saw only 2 cases and they both appeared on the Lockshackle map in one game session.But I can only speak for myself.

Perhaps the common part is that my workers claimed the prison of the enemy while the battle was near the prison.

Perhaps something was broken in the logic of grabbing the enemy in unconsciousness and dragging into prison (which is not mine yet).

But I'm not sure.

Probably you are right. I grabbed the statue and moved it to another location in the archive - and my workers started pounding it.

And I also caught a Cultist when he entered the Archive, but has not yet reached the lectern. When I used the Blood Money on it, the workers began to mine gold.

Probably there really are "magical places" near the lectern, where workers do not have the opportunity to gold mining.