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Working as intended, I think. Witchdoctors are kinda special in that they have no Imperial equivalent, so the Overworld gateway spawns some for you if you build a spirit chamber (should be the same thing with the Beastmaster).

Most of the text that has been added after the launch of the game (such as the loading screen tips) sadly are translated with Google. The developers have already considered a community translation project, but to keep the amount of text that has to be re-translated after content changes minimal, such a project would only take place after the upcoming Heart of Gold DLC.

If you would like to contribute to the community translation project, feel free to sign up in this thread: https://forum.subterraneangames.com/threads/wfto-translations.9693

For the record, I also encountered a seemingly neutral vampire on Stonegate. However, I did not save/load the map beforehand, and the vampires was not feral - as a matter of fact, I could even pick him up, which instantly converted him to my own team.

I'm still getting this bug with the Siege Door at the end of campaign mission 7 (the one behind behind of which are the priestesses channeling the Aum). Some of my units attack the door, while other walk right through it and start to pummel the priestesses.

Working as intended, as far as I know. Neutral units will be captured as soon as they enter the vision radius of the player, so if you capture the walls on the other side of the room, they grant you enough vision to see some of the units, which get converted. Said converted units then convert whatever units they can see, and so forth.

Think of it as with the GAIA units in Age of Empires I / II

Couldn't replicate in the internal version. When I possessed a necromancer before the final cutscene started, I promptly was kicked back to the normal view. Interestingly, you can enter possession mode again right after being kicked out of it, but this only result in the first person camera suddenly rotating just like the main camera during the cutscenes. It also does not affect the next level, either.

The answer is quite simple: Dying minions can be rescued by your workers, which either will bring them to your lair (if they are your own minions) or into your prison (if they are enemy minions).

Dead creatures, however, can only be used to raise ghouls, which are much weaker than living units. Therefore, unconscious/dying/KO'd minions have priority over corpses.

Mira is intended to steal the Kenos from you, otherwise the next mission would not make sense. The victory condition of the map simply is to destroy all four inhibitors. The "Kenos" itself actually is just a re-designed dungeon core and has no special scripts attached to it.

That's because the is no level down there.....

Not a bug.

Not a bug, I think. You'll have to untag the shrine if your vaults are full and you want your workers elsewhere.