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Not to necro this topic. Just wanted to explain what happened for others. It was b/c the Graphics card wasn't supported anymore for drivers by ATI. And Windows 10 was given the keys to update these drivers & through windows 10 update... A few other video games later, I realized, the card just had to go. So if you're using the expensive outdated same card as mine and getting issues in b/c of drivers. Unfortunately, just give up. and get a newer better cheaper card.

Ok. I publically posted it so you guys can test it. http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=605333239

Just a heads up in case it's hard to find. It should be named Twist... But I was have having problem changing it to Twist from the name of Tester123.

Okay... so I play tested it again... and now the AI doesn't want to get near it... -.- lol... I even broke the door to it for the imps would be temped to claim it. But the AI doesn't seem to "want" to now. I'll reboot to clear memory... Maybe that's causing it.

Oh... Than consider this requesting for a notation of this downside to the tool tips... Because the tooltip says you can build traps on them... So I used them because of this. But had no way of knowing that AI would just sell it...

I went to do this and it said the name was already in use...

I'm guessing when I tried to publish as such, the file name is the name I tried to use, but the visual name is different?

Hello Just. Since your computer seems to be really old. I recommend just buy a new machine. The amount of work to upgrade your current station is gonna be a BIG hassle. I just went back and did this myself... Once your machine hits the age of 6 years old... it's Old, but will work... 8yrs your super old... 10+ you got ancient tech compared to now tech... Plus, you can walk into Walmart and drop $300-$400+ for a computer leagues better than what you have and it's supported by a warranty... making it yourself, you don't get that bonus.

This site is for bugs for the game. These guys only have enough man power to support it.

If you want to check components and piece out a new computer tower. I recommend hitting up http://www.tomshardware.com/

If you want to order a real gaming computer. There's a few sites out there that can show you options with live pricing. That toms hardware site is pretty good at recommending options.

Also, Windows 7 is pretty close to XP in ease etc. Windows Vista isn't worth even glancing at. And Windows 10 is shaping up quite nicely so far. That and Windows 10, you can use your Xbox One controller natively. Still waiting to get one hehe.

I wish you the best of luck Just.

PS: Good news support team. I have Win 10 (64bit) and originally had 3GB of RAM when I first installed Win 10 and WftO. Win 10 and WftO had a lot of issues with using up all my RAM. I had to increase my hard disk cache to make up for the missing memory just to run the basics, like the web browser. But still had major, game breaking issues. I went and updated my RAM to the max of my Motherboards memory, which is 8GB on a Dell XPS 420. And now Windows 10 works beatifully. And the game I can jack up to the high def settings and it works amazingly! OMG so happy! The Dell XPS 420 is a 2007 gaming computer... being 8yrs old... It's holding up, but it's at it's limits for all the upgrades. And in 2 years I'll have to replace it like I explained to you above. This mother board is old, and can only handle 8GB of RAM and socket 775. It was designed for Vista and has the weird backwards chasis which they don't make anymore lol. Technology just keeps getting better. :-)

Not sure if this is related. But I did notice recently that during this whole glitch... some units never took damage from minions... or did very slowly... only way I could kill them off is with lots and lots and lots of lightning... and others I couldn't reach.

Awesome! Thank you so much guys! Love the game! Telling all my friends about it.

I went on to the next level. It happened sooner. I had rallied all minions in 1 big room for a assult on me.

After defeating the enemy. I slapped the flag off and every single 1 of my minions stood there with thought bubbles for money, food etc. All or most of my imps were still performing their tasks I think... But the minions couldn't move.

So I called a rally flag and they started to follow it. I dismissed it and they went back to normal tasks like nothing went wrong ever.

Next time I was assulted. It repeated. But they never recovered in the same means and they still won't recover. :-(

Weirdly enough, I went back and loaded the save game I reported on last night. It started up...did it's warmup thing and it repeated the issue quite quickly...