
Can preplicate in the new build

Tested it with him and by myselfe
Can confirm

Can confirm and also does work for MP
Creating a custom map myselfe with multiple siege shrines, and check afterwards.

Created a Custom Map (no need to kill an inhibitor or what so ever) and successfully got the effect in the next match

I replicated it 2 times by now

It happens like 1/7tried

btw, ingame menu also doesn't respond (i just ended the video there)

Either the animation is off or it really miss often
Can confirm

Can confirm
all replication steps are necessery to double check.

The bug is, that, if you disable the AI Controll, the Empire Units will think they were locked.

I think it's an issue with the Worker AI, because that's also happening in skirmish.

Same issue with workers wont pick up gold from tavern

Could it be possible, that the same, or at least a similar bug, causes those weird room props in MP as well?

reproduced it with him.
It only happens when RR says a specias has been converted.

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