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Please upload your savefile for this level, thank you.

You should get 3 Augres out of it, if you have built other rooms, meanwhile, they won't spawn. It takes sometime until the next unit will sapwn. Or perhaps you reached the Max Population.

Here's the Link for the Spawn Rules.


If it's really an game failure, please upload your output_log, where you played this level and savefile.

Can not confirm that.
Both attacks deal damage against Defenses.
Tested it with lvl 5 Chunder and FireBreather against Ramparts.

Blade Lotus is a trap which gets invisible after it's not in use.
The HP Shild can be seen for short, but then goes invisible as well.

Only for outpost and replacement earth and that's intended.
Every other Construct works can be placed on Shrines.

I think that's because of the new opitmisation V0id implemented.
thanks for the report

I use OBS, it's free, not a huge impact on the Game.
But Shadow Play is also good to use.
Fraps is also really good to record, but the files are enormous.

I can confirm that, somewhat.
The Bombard on Overdrive who is hitting something will love HP, the Bombard which doesn't hit something (just the imp. Wall) will not lose HP.
Those Bombards shoot without hitting the door.

I double checked your report, and Bombards on overdrive with a Rampart Blueprint with some defences, does also lose HP.

Btw, thanks for the picture, it helped me replicating your issue easily and very quickly.

I can not confirm that (tested it on Official Map "Fire Pit" without AI, used ConsolCommands)
Did you Workshop Maps wher you had preplaced Archive or a pre-owned Research Shrine?

Indeed that's an intentional behaviour.
But you're right, it says it can be disabled, good find, thank you.