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Number 5



Btw, we have a Theorie, that the mana lock happens when the Client presses CRTL, to drop 5 units per once, and the Host server doesn't registered it.

When the log is 300MB, there is definatly something wrong here. if the output_log is that huge, use WinZip or WinRar to compress it, that's how I do it.
I can't find if you are on Windows, Linux or on a Mac, please let me know trough the comments.

Hi RavenZahadoom

Please Upload your Output_log and give us your Specs.
We would need those things to help you properly

Can reproduce.
Just let a Necro die when he has some Ghouls following him.

To solve it by yourselfe, you can just pick up your Necros and then those ghouls are gone.

Good fine, thanks for the report.

I tested it,
For me it firstly looks likem, they disapeared right after I loaded my savefile, but after some seconds, they were showen on the Minimap again. The Patrol which is nearer at the end gateway, apear first, then that one behind them.
Those Units will be loaded, but revealed later.

Thanks for the report.

I can confirm that.
Also tested Frensh and German, no issues there

Thanks for the report


That's new to me. Edpecially I tested that map yesterday.

Please give us your Specs, Output_log and if possible a savefile.

you can finf every thing to need to know, wherebto find what here http://brightrockgames.userecho.com/topics/118-how-to-submit-a-bug-ticket/

Thank you for the report

I tested it 5 times now. Still can't replicate. You have to do something different , then I do
The only thing was I could trigger was, that the Core didn't played his death animation

Hellou Halbertdj

Thanks for the report.

This bug is allready adressed and I succuessfully replicated it. Now we have to wait until the coders get to work.

I apologize for the inconvenience