Vos commentaires

I guess that's the ghost unit issue.
Those minion didn't attack right?

I can confirm that.

Skirmish works fine though

I like that you can change the colour of the blood just with with using your hand.
That's pretty bad ass

Hi Samband

Thanks for the report Nd the output_log, that can help s lot.

I just want to ask if the "Kernschmelze" is the right savefile?

If not, could you please check if you still have the savefile and upload it again.

thank you

I just encountered this bug in the latest Build (1.5.0b62).


Gamespeed was on 150%.
The foundry was previously owned by the AI and I owned it, sold it.

I just playtested it, in several ways. And I found something

I think there's a bug. The Target for now istn't to only destroying the Gateway, but also kill the lvl 10 Dwarf.
Indeed, that makes the whole achievement way harder.
I recommand changing the objective to either only kill the gateway or +1 Minute.

It is still possible, but very hard, because this dwarf is damn tanky and has some strong guards.

Thanks for pointing that out, that you have destroyed the gateway, it made testing way faster.

hi whity2xlc

We had a similar thread at the generell help section on this topic.

I also play tested it, and for me it feels almost as easy, if not easier.

I will link you a Video which could help you and the Thread, where I gave the User some Tips and also feedback to the Developers.

Btw, turn on the ingame clock and scale down the game pace under Optiones -> Gameplay -> Game pace.

Because only the imgame Clock does caunt.


Video: 2016-11-14 21-50-02.mp4

I was host:
First map Holes:

output_log - take 2.txt
Second map DeathHead:


a mysterious 3th output log, where we discovered this bug firstly

output_log - webb.txt

Video: 2016-11-14 21-46-27.mp4