Ваші коментарі

Hi thanks for the bug report and sorry for the difficulties you're having!

I checked your logs and I've found something concerning about your PC config:

Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
Renderer: Microsoft Basic Render Driver (ID=0x8c)
Vendor: Microsoft
VRAM: 32731 MB

Basically it's saying that you're running the game without any GPU at all! Your poor CPU is trying to render the game. I am going to guess you're on a laptop as they can sometimes cause this type of issue. Take a look at this similar knowledgebase article on how to force the GPU to render the game: https://support.brightrockgames.com/en/knowledge-bases/2/articles/1096-missing-invisible-or-laggy-ui-fixed-in-v20

Thanks for reporting. Yes we have determined the root cause and are actually finalizing and testing a build to fix this ASAP. We plan to have the patch out within the next 2 weeks.

In the mean time you can also switch to the `publicdebugbuild` beta channel on steam that has the patch already.

Thanks for the report. Unfortunately I'm not certain there is much we can actively do for you - We're not currently getting any other reports of crashes on other platforms and we've QA'd the game on our Linux PCs. My guess is that some combination of your OS/driver versions are incompatible. I would suggest ensuring you're up to date where you can