Ihre Kommentare

Do you use headphones by any chance? We've had reports in the past where if the headphones or unplugged the game will start working.

Can you please provide details on your hardware and OS platform?

Is it possible you can upgrade to OSX 10.12 "Sierra"? Or is there a reason you need to be on Capitan?

You should get updates via email automatically as we progress this ticket. :)


Could you please raise a new report with details as described here? https://forum.brightrockgames.com/threads/please-read-how-to-report-a-bug.4689/


Thanks for reporting this. I have reproduced the issue, however cannot see any obvious errors. Will pass it on.


Before we take a closer look at the log, can you please closely review this knowledgebase article and let us know how you got on: http://brightrockgames.userecho.com/topics/1096-missing-invisible-or-laggy-ui/