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I have a feeling that it may be a more general bug. I have the same issue with some of my workshop maps. If I am correct, it is caused by having more than one way to win.


In my case, it has nothing to do with reloaading.

I can confirm. It appears in all game modes.

I think he means that that the banshee was stuck in the chasm. This happens sometimes and seems to be caused if another banshee has exploded nearby (it causes some left over particle which causes other banshees/minions to get stuck on it). It was meant to be fixed/improved but I have seen this occur myself. Any map with nether shrines sees this happen most often.

Yes, very possible. Maybe the save was corrupted in some way.

The AI used to have severe 'killer instinct issues', as I called them. It is no longer As bad at deciding when to attack but it is still more passive than I would like. Undergames falls down to map control and claiming speed a lot of the time. The AI's imp micromanagement can make it very hard, even with a better army, to actually push forward. I understand what you are saying though. Master difficulty is designed largely for players who are very experienced and know the game mechanics/overall strategies quite well. For instance, you can win levels just with spirit workers lol.

From memory, saving and reloading used to cause this bug. I thought that it had been fixed though.

To note: The AI actually plays badly in level 1 because it does not try to finish off players quickly nor is it always able to place defences adequately to defend its own shards. It can become a stalemate if certain AIs, such as Volta, are not finished off quickly.

I agree here with Woudu. I do not really like the outpost/construction combination and see it as gimmicky.

I am also strongly against this. It is not that easy to micro conduits to reinforce walls as it is, and it is a costly process. The conduit, and hence wrath, would lose a lot of use.

Was this on hard/master and without mutators?

I had it just now. It is still in 2.0.

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