Your comments

Tim White just throw the keys at me and I can hook them up. Cheers

This was a big oversight!
Thanks a lot for pointing us to this one.
It will be fixed next patch.

@Cian ticket me please if it's true.

The cause of this is that there are higher priority claim tasks available, which are threatened by the enemy.

Workers got these claim tasks assigned but decided to not go for it because they considered them as too dangerous.

Thus they ended up doing nothing.

We need to involve the threat avoidance already into the task search and can not block threatened tasks from being done afte task search. We will get this fixed for next Patch.

This issue will be fixed with next Patch :)

This issue was more tricky than we thought and was caused by youtube player API throwing an exception preventing the close action of the dialogue.
But it will be fixed finally in next patch!