Your comments

It's out, let us know how it looks :)

Alright now we got another major patch out.
If we do not hear about any further occurrence of this issue we need to assume it is fixed and will decline this report.
So please let us know.

Also a new Patch is about to be out, maybe it could help as well.

I found issues in the save game that should not happen (some Sentinel shell blue prints got moved out of map after save & load).
We fixed now the cause but also made sure it doesn't break the game in case something like this happens.
This is one of the last changes which made it into current patch :)


The new Patch will be available soon.
Would be interesting if the issue will be resolved finally.

Well when looking into the logs it stillseems our UI middleware has issues with your graphics driver.

A few interesting points:

  • "[Coherent Browser] (Warning) PID: 26440 | 31796 15:49:52.420884 Shared textures are not properly supported on Windows 7 without Service Pack 1. Please install the latest service pack.

You said you have windows 10, but is it fully updated? Did recently windows update fail?
(I would be surprised but this error points to something is missing)

Otherwise it is still the graphics card which is not recognized correctly:
  • [Coherent Browser] (Error) Unable to initialize Direct3D9 device
  • [Coherent Browser] (Error) Unable to ensure rendering device. View creation aborted!

Thus I would suggest to uninstall and reinstall your NVidia drivers as it might be caused by a previous installation that failed.
If this doesn't fix it, then we need to contact the middleware producer and let them take a look.

Please do not copy and paste output logs into the text area for posts.
Above the text box there is an "Insert File" button (paper clip symbol) which allows to attach log files without bloating the text area.

I will put it to done for now as in our internal version the minion list is clearly working in your save game.
However let us know immediately if there is still an issue once the new patch 1.5 is out.

Desenvolvido por UserEcho