Your comments

Because it would be a pain for non-steam links ;)
However we never got any issue reported about this feature.
I will try to get an hold of a linux expert and see if it's working for him and how to make it work for you.
It might take a bit, but next patch might take a bit as well, so it should fit.

Hrm this would be an issue that occured when the map was made.
The room won't be parsed again (for prop placement) until a new tile is added or an existing tile is sold.
So the question here is not
"Why has this tavern a missing table?"
"How was this tavern without table created with the map editor?"

It's trying to start the URL as process, which should open it in the system default browser.
Did you setup one as default?

The loading of the HUD is now delayed to the point where all other components have finished loading.

So was it caused by the hidden Blate Loti there?
We still didn't encounter any issues (other than that) with claiming empire tiles during recent testing.

This issue has been fixed internally.
We also fixed that shrine claim notifications were raised again after loading a level.
These fixes will be included in next patch.

Desenvolvido por UserEcho