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It should be way better when the new patch is out.

Well when loading the save game and tryinga bit I get similar behaviour, but this is only because the units are exhausted.

They need sleep, food and gold and then they will fight much better.

I am not allowed to say anything official, but if nothing goes wrong, you can expect it in about two weeks from now.

We prevent now any health values over maximum.

Good find as this was not checked at all.

I fail to reproduce any issue. 

To do something about such an issue it would be good to have a list of steps which cause the problem.

I saw in the log it was crashing while a hungry vampire was searching for units he could eat.

But simply having a hungry vamprie and grabbing and dropping units quickly next to him does not lead to any crash on my end.

So I don't know what to do about this.

If it happens again try to remember exactly what you did and see if it can be reproduced.

If so please tell us the steps that lead to crash and then we can surely fix it.

There is also some chance that the issue was fixed internally already and it does only happen in the public version which will be patched in some near future.

Anyway let us know if you can find out more.

I have never seen what happens in that video, nor do I know any way to reproduce it.

Since something like this doesn't happen in current internal build and I test the game every day, I doubt it is still an issue.

Unless someone can give me a list of steps to make this issue occur, I wouldn't even know where to start.

Appearently the walkabilities of this particular arena in this particular map got broken, so that all edges to the outside are walkable but not vise versa.

It is immediately fixed by replacing the arena or even by just adding or removing a tile.

We do not know how this happened but it never happens to any freshly placed arena and we never saw it elsewhere.

Unless you can show us a way to get a newly build arena in to that state, we are not going to act upon this issue yet,

since it might be caused by any data corruption on the map save file rather than due to an actual bug in the game.

Let us know if you can find a reproducable way to get a newly build arena into do this broken state.
