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I just realize that some of you get this crash when starting the camapign.
We suspect it is caused by the video cutscene trying to play.
We have added am option to disable video cutscenes in a recent hotfix to bypass this problem:

In case the game crashes when you start either campaign, can you try if disabling cutscenes allows you to play the campaigns?
Activate this checkbox: http://imgur.com/a/DylI6

It is no perfect solution and swe still need to find the root cause with thrid party help,
but would at least help you to keep going for now.


Hello Marcel,
you get the crash when you start the first campaign level?
I guess this could be related to cutscenes not working for what ever reason on OSX.
Could you take a look here and try if you can play for now by disabling video cutscenes:

Try to activete this checkbox before starting a campaign:

Let us know if it works.

Hey Gustavo,
did it just happen or was it yesterday? Because we released a fix for a similar issue just like 12 hours ago.

However if it just happened to you, could you please trigger the issue again and then quit the game and upload your output_log, so we can take a look what went wrong?
Here is how to do that:


Hello Grall,
Can you provide us an output_log from exactly the play session where this happened?
here is how to grab it from the games folder:

First off glad you can finally play campaign!

Oh did you see others with the same issue?
We got some OSX crashes caused by a Chromium engine bug which should be unrelated to video cutscenes
and does in fact have no quickfix or bypass.
But if you know other reports of this particular issue?
Ofc I would like to have no one suffering from this crash.

We are keeping this ticket in Accepted state until we found a solution with Unity that makes the cutscenes actually work for you.

Enjoy :)

Hey Horatio,
It is actually easier to us to track one issue per ticket and this one is now fixed.
I hope you have still your output_log from the session this drawbrigde issue occured.
(It gets overwritten each time you start the game)
Would you mind making a new ticket for this problem with attaching your log.
This would help, Cheers.

I will point people responsible for the game design to have a quick read of what you said,
but beware we are thinking a lot about such topics but are a very small team.
It's not very easy to get it just right for everyone, but we try :)

I am glad it is working again for you guys, thanks for reporting back.

Have fun ;)

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