Your comments

It's a bummer all three Player.log files look exactly the same.
All is fine, no errors and then suddently "Receiving unhandled NULL exception" which does not help.

It seems we will have to contact the support of Unity Technologies for this one, which means it could take quite some time to get this sorted.
If you not want to wait longer for a fix and just recently bought the game, then it is possible to refund it on steam store if you are less than 2 hours into the game.

Otherwise it will take up some time to get this sorted out I fear.
We could look into a way to disable cutscenes entirely by introducing a special command though,
but this could only be a temporary solution and finally you want to see the cutscenes as well.

In Unity 5.6 they are changing how cutscenes are integrated totally which will likely reduce issues caused by them especially on non-windows platforms.
But it's still some time to wait before this technology becomes available to us.

I am sorry, that we are unable to help quickly on this this problem.
Thanks for reporting and sharing your logs.

And yes separate tickets are easier to manage as said.

Hey Webbernever1,
Just to confirm each Ember Demon occupies 1 population like most minions do.
Micropiglets however do never occupy population.
So I am still unsure what was causing your population issue, but if you find any way to reproduce the problem so we can debug our self, it would be more than the half way to actually fixing it.

Hello K.r.,
Sorry for such troubles, the log shows indeed a crash but Unity3d (our game engine) was failing on reporting any pointer for the cause.
All we got is:
Receiving unhandled NULL exception
Obtained 16 stack frames.

Which does not help to look for any cause.

Can you trigger the problem again and try to upload another Player.log?
With some luck next time we get a more decent stack trace.

Is it possible for you to skip the introduction video by quickly pressing space bar?

I hope it is not a general incompatibility issue.
However the way video scenes are put into Unity3d based games will change drastically in Unity 5.6
and I hope it reduces issues caused by cutscenes.
But till then there is still some time to wait.

Hello Horatio,
unfortunately Unity3d (our game engine) failed to log the trance of your crash.

"RtlLookupFunctionEntry returned NULL function. Aborting stack walk.<Missing stacktrace information>"

Which is a bummer, since it does not give any pointer what was causing it.

Would you mind uploading your output_log again when you get such crash again?
So we can see hopefully next time what happened.

From experience there are two main causes of crashes:
- Wireless headphones not set to default device and stereo
- AVG Antivirus seeing a false positive in the game (which requires an exception for WFTOGame.exe then)
More can be found here:

Thank you

I can also confirm it should work, changing community transaltion triggers it to update. (tested with my own test translation)
Keys are:
Game Mode:
- menu_multiplayer_gamesetup_form_type_public
- menu_multiplayer_gamesetup_form_type_passworded
Game Type:
- menu_multiplayer_gamesetup_form_mode_online
- menu_multiplayer_gamesetup_form_mode_lan

Changing them works fine for me at least.
Are you sure it's correctly put into the translation file?
Can you share the translation file you use, so I can test my self why it doesn't work for you?


Hello Shaolin,
I can not find any obvious harmful errors in the log you uploaded.
However we had reports about crashes from people using SLI or Crossfire solutions.
The game is not fully compatible with either yet and can crash for some people.
I would suggest trying to run the game on one card exclusively or temporary disable SLI while playing.

Let us know if this resloves the crash.


The problem is now fixed in the internal codebase and a new hotfix will be out soon bringing the save menu back to work.

Hello Lorelei,
this was a mistake on our side when we recently remove the "Survival" tab from the menu as we decided that saving in this mode would be like cheating.
After remocing it, we did not see that there were still references to it which now prevent the save menu from opening.

We will get this issue sorted as soon as possible.
Thanks for pointing us to this rather serious issue.

I tested it and it always works the first time you enter each tab, but never from then.
That is odd and interesting at the same time. But I consider it as relatively low priority.
Thanks for reporting, we will look into that sooner or later.