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We have resolved the cause of this problem and it will be fixed in next patch.

Josh Bishop How do we deal with this mechanics issue? Any idea?

Hello Jimmy,
I have loaded the save game now and I see what is causing it.
Workers are not supposed to path through enemy doors and thus they can't.
The tiles around the outpost you placed are exactly the tiles where an empire siege door was sitting on and you have already destroyed it.
However something must have went wrong when this door was destroyed, because it did not clean up the path finding map correctly to reset it to the terrain below.
Because this happened workers think there is still a door and not even try to get there.

Now it would be incredibly helpful to see which problem occurred while the door was destroyed,
but I guess you restarted the game multiple times since then so your logs are overwritten already?

That is why it is important to always upload the logs directly after an issue occurred like mentioned in the "How to: Submit a Bug Ticket" topic:

Now it is really hard to figure how the game got into the state.

When ever you encounter such problem again, save and quit the game and grab the logs before restarting the game.
When you then upload these logs + the save game we can exactly see what was happening, which makes it way more likely that we can find the cause.

No matter what, thanks a lot for reporting this bug and your help to improve this game.


Thank you Fabrice & Sebastian this helps!
The file is looking like it should, so now we know at least that the file does not contain the issue we see and it must be an issue with rendering the HTML code via the UI plugin.
Will get back to you soon once we get more instructions from Coherent Labs.
Stay tuned.

Nano disabled slapping Titans to death on purpose because the QA Team reported that this can be dangerous especially in HoG level 4 where killing the Colossus does end the level.
However I think in general the user should be able to get a rid of its Titan even in campaign mode.
(In some levels it might be even useful to change strategy quickly)
What do you think we should do about this matter?

Hello Old Cat,
seems like slapping titans to death is disabled on purpose, because there are some levels where killing the titan accidentally can make you lose the level.
I will pass this ticket to the designer, to get some feedback what is finally the best solution for this issue.