Your comments

Should be fixed in hotfix 1.5.0f9

Hey Glyn,
the log you uploaded contained multiple errors which I could all fix and hope it resolves the issue.
I couldn't try your save game because it requires always two files to share a save game.
A meta file and the save file, but you only uploaded the save file.
But I hope it is fixed.
Please let us know if it's fixed for you in hotfix patch 1.5.0f9 to be released in a couple of hours.

If not please let us know and upload your save game again with meta file.


Fixed for next hotfix :)

@Scott @Nano Is it the camera bone which is misplaced?

Glad to hear BlackBeard! :)

Well this should actually work.
The frist two are the id and the version number afaik.
Make sure the version number is increased to make sure it will be recognized as changed.
When you keep the first line and just update the keys below, then all happens automatically each time you publish.