התגובות שלך

In the link I posted in my last reply it explains how to find the "Player.log" file (read below the "OS X" header), which contains logs written by the game while running.
Please find the file and upload it to this thread using the "Insert File" (paper clip) button.
These logs can tell us when a problem occurs and what causes it, but without these logs we can not know what happened.

Hello Vexual,
please do not post the text of a log file directly, it makes bug reports unreadable.
Please use the "Insert File" button (paper clip symbol) to upload logs.
The crash log you uploaded is not the "Player.log" we were looking for.
It's just a system crash log which does not give us enough specifics.
Can you find and upload your "Player.log" as described here:

Or does it crash even before any Player.log gets created?
In this case, is at least a Launcher log file generated? Can you upload it as well?

So far it looks a bit like there is an issue with Unity engine on your specific system but with logs we might know better.
Do you have other Unity based games which do load for you?

Hello Fabrice,
Can you add the OSX version you use?
Technically what your screenshot shows is very strange.
The version number is put in static HTML, there is (normally) no way it could repeat itself on screen unless there goes something utterly wrong.
So far we struggle to realize what could causing this.
We might need to contact the Vendor of our UI plugin to get support for this issue.

Hello Kamil,
Can you try to assign coherentui_host.exe (in your screenshot) to a GPU as well.
While your Intel CPU is weaker it can make sense to have the UI Host on a separate GPU to share work between them, but I don't know what dedicated GPU you have installed and maybe it work better if both run on the "High performance" GPU.
Thus can you try both and see if either makes it work for you?


Hello Vexual,
The Player.log file you have attached to your initial post seems to be from another game ("Hearthstone").
Can you trigger the problem again and upload a Player.log from "War for the Overworld" this time?
It might help us to see if any issues arise at game start.

Thank you