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Hello Alex,
seems you run out of main memory (RAM) when trying to load the game.

> DynamicHeapAllocator out of memory - Could not get memory for large allocation 20779604!

> Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!

You have said you got 8 GB installed, but you also stated you have a Windows 7 32bit system.

A 32 bit system can only address less than 4 GB and with the operating system running you have less than 3.5GB which can be used by the game.

This is not enough to run the game and below the minimum requirements.

All what you can do in this case is either:

- Upgrade to a 64bit system which can use more than 3.5 GB RAM

- Close every other memory hungry application while playing (use task manager to find out what uses how much memory), lower the settings for screen resolution and texture quality to a minimum and avoid playing large custom maps, since they are likely to exceed your usable memory. You wont be able to enjoy the game to full extent this way, but you may be able to at least run it and play levels which aren't too big.

I hope this helps!

We will take a look early next week, why the AI got stuck on this map.
Thanks for letting us know!

I think this is intended, maybe the text description is not clear enough.

At least I know that some pro players use it to fortify their work rooms quicker.

But we will double check with Josh, if this is intended by design.

Please apologize for this inconvennience, we had a similar problem with Chinese letters which we did fix meanwhile.

We need to double check how this is still happening for Russian language.

We were almost sure it is now fixed for all supported languages.

Hello Randy,

we updated our UI middleware for current patch and the way we are used to handle right clicks is not supported anymore.

We needed to go over essentially everything which is triggered by a right click and change it to work with the new system.
Long story short:
Seems we forgot to change the right click handling for notification dissmissing.
We will get this sorted in a coming patch fix.

Thanks for pointing this issue out.

The "minimap goes black" issue is known and reported to the Vendor of our UI middleware.

It is an issue on their end and we can do nothing about until they fix it.

All what we are able to do is to recreate the entire minimap instance, which can be triggered by opening the pause menu by pressing ESC.

This will fix the issue with the Minimap until it happens again.

Once we receive the third party fix, this won't be required anymore.
Hope this helps!

And as @Fluffiest said, please provide a separate report for each individual issue you encounter, otherwise it will be a nightmare to manage the bug report.

Each individual issue can be prioritized and fixed by different people, but this only works, when we receive a different report for each issue.

So please report the other issues in separate threads.

Thank you!

when a dll file is present at the correct path, but still causes a DllNotFoundException, this usually means the library has a dependency which is not installed on the system.

For current patch we updated our UI middleware and this dll file is part of it.

It works as it is for the vast majority, but you must be missing a dependency which is usually installed on most systems.

Is everyone suffering this problem on Windows 7 or 8.1?

I analysed this dll with dependency walker and found the following dependencies:


Now the question is which one is missing on your system and which microsoft download you need to install to make it work?
If you can find this out, it will likely fix your problems.

Otherwise I have a few guesses:
First of all, please trigger a Windows Update which may install missing the missing dependency if you didn't update for a long time.

If it doesn't fix it, you may miss MSVCP140.DLL "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015".
Please try if installing it from the Microsoft website fixes the problem:

Please let us know if it helped.

We may ask the provider of our UI middleware to either include all required dependencies into their software or at least to give us a list of these dependencies, so we can make sure they are installed correctly with the game in future.

Thanks for reporting this issue!

Kind regards,


We tried multiple times but the issue does not occur on our end. No one can reproduce it, so we have to decline.