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This hotfix version does work for me in my Ubuntu virtual machine.
We thought it hangs for you only because of the weird 3K screen size setup
and thought by editing the settings it will work for you as well.

Hello Marten,
I edited your posts because they did include logs as plain text.
As said before please attach them as file to not bloat the written text of user information.
Here is what I did:


Hello again Marten B,
just for future bug reports:
There is an "Insert File" button (paperclip symbol) above the text area for your post, which allows to attach a file without bloating the bug report with a plain text copy. This was also mentioned in the link "How to report a bug" a posted above.

OK this issue is odd indeed.
I am still no Linux expert but let me elaborate.

So you say you have two displays:
1) Primary 1920 x 1080
2) Secondary 1200 x 1920

Now the question is:
Why does the operating system report to Unity3d that you have a display of size 3120 x 1920?

It looks like Unity3d is seeing your both monitors as only one single screen.
Did you setup your system to run dual screen mode?
So that you only have one desktop which does stretch over both displays or do you have separate desktops for both or a desktop only on the first of both screens?
If the former then Unity3d just sees one display which consists of both screens, but seems not able to handle this case correctly.

What happens in log:

"requesting resize 1920 x 1080

requesting fullscreen 1920 x 1080 at 0 Hz
Desktop is 3120 x 1920 @ 60 Hz"

So there is the second issue: Why does Unity3d request "fullscreen 1920 x 1080 at 0 Hz"?
I am unsure why this does happen, while it should request "1920 x 1080 at 60 Hz" and not "at 0 HZ".
But I guess the engine is just confused with this artificial "3120 x 1920 @ 60 Hz" dual display screen and fails to recognize it properly.

Since the requested resolution can not be provided by the OS multiple other things fail in result:
"Changing real window size to 1920 x 1022
Ignoring window size change to 1920x1022 : waiting for fullscreen at 1920x1080"
Which will never respond.

So long story short...
Somehow the OS reports one big screen consisting of both monitors to Unity3d engine.
It looks loke you did setup your displays in dual mode?
Can you check this and if, can you try to set them up as separate desktops, so both monitors are recognized as individual screens?
Can you check if you have setup anything else which would merge both monitors into one screen for the game.

I hope we can find the root cause of the problem.

Hey Tux4ever,
this is awesome newd, I wish you great fun with the game.

But I am still interested in if fsavd is an issue in general with WFTO.
It seems like normally not but since the process is very busy it might interact weirdly with the (not yet fixed) issue of Chromium for OSX.

However I am very glad you can play now.
Enjoy! :)

It should at least work if in-game settings and what is set in the config window does match.
Did it match and it still didn't work?
If so, this is very strange, could you then upload your Player and Launcher logs as described here:


I got an answer from Coherent Labs quite quickly!

Because the problem is caused a thrid party plugin "Coherent UI" and not by things we could change ourself,
we need to use the support of Coherent Labs. (http://coherent-labs.com/)
But given that I emailed them just some hours ago they responded very quickly.

That's what they wrote:

"Hi Stefan,

My name is John and I'll be assisting you with your case.

is a known issue in the Chromium core. From what I have seen it is awaiting a new triage, since it is not yet fixed.

The problem which it creates is that if the player runs out of memory, there won't be a regular crash with a meaningful message like "Out of memory", but it will most likely just crash half a second later.

Could you provide us with a list of the processes running when the game starts and their CPU usage?

Best regards,

Can you provide a list of processes running when the game starts and their CPU usage?

I hope this helps the guys at Coherent Labs to give us some advice on this issue.


Your PC is good enough to play the game but also not really a rocket and the last level is a bit huge.
Maybe the issue arrised because of too much lag.
It might be that lowering resolution could increase the performance for you, but needs trying out.
Furthermore its worth trying to start the game with launch option "-force-d3d11" in your case, which could boost rendering speed and UI latency.
What also helps is not zooming out that far.

Please let us know if any of these helped :)

(Next patch comes also with some performance improvements but it wont change worlds)

This should be supported, so it must be a different problem then.
Still please double check you have not chosen a 4K resolution in in-game options. (which is not blocked by the game because for some people it works)

For me this looks a bit like the kown issue with 4K resolution, which is not (yet) supported.
So if you play the game in 4K resolution or even higher, such things can happen, but it doesn't happen in Full HD resolution (or lower).

So is this the case for you?

I just would like to know if it helped to solve the problem?