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Hello 7upman,
I think the out of memory issue was caused by a temporary issue which caused log spams.
But it was fixed in a recent hotfix, thus I believe it should not occur on your end anymore.

Can you confirm if this issue is fixed or not for you?

@Nano I think this is a client authority issue.
But when you think making sure the server does auto depossess the unit teleported on server is the correct fix, then I can do it and you can assign it back to me.

Unfortunately we do not know exactly why you get a black screen and it can impossibly be caused by our own code.
But we use Unity3d, Steam/Steamworks and Coherent UI middleware and one of those is for some reason incompatible with your system configuration.
Thus I think fixing the system errors you got in the Player.log might resolve the issue (hopefully).
Unfortunately we are all no real Linux experts, we just know the game works for the majority of Linux users.
Maybe you can find a fix in the links I posted above?

Hey Cron,
when it is that easy to replicate, we should be able to nail this one.

So simply build a 5x5? Alchemy Lab, then brew 4 Work a lot potions? (Which potions did you brew?) use them while being Client/Host? (which role you had?) and then you can not brew more by clicking on the "Brew Potion" buttons? (True?) and the "Pick up Potion" buttons still show the ones brewed before after being picked and used already? (Do they?)

If you can answer the question marks so we can exactly reproduce, we will likely find the cause quickly.

Hallo der Herr :)
Da sind mir wohl ein paar kleine Fehler unterlaufen aber das kann schon mal passieren bei ueber 7K Translation-Keys.

1) "Language"
Ich hatte vergessen "Language" im Tooltip mit einem Translation-Key zu ersetzen, so stand das Wort direkt im Code.

2) "hud_potionpanel_brew_potion_button_name"
Das Traenkemenu wurde initialisiert bevor die Uebersetzungen geladen waren und somit wurden sie nicht uebersetzt. Fuer neu freigeschaltete Traenke hat es aber dann funktioniert.

3) "campaign7_obj_3_title"
War der Fehler eines Kollegen, der beim Scripting von Level 7 vergessen hatte einen Pfeil von einem Kasten (Uebersetzung) zu einem Anderen(Missionsziel 3) zu ziehen.

Alle diese Fehler werden mit dem naechsten Patch behoben! :)
(Ich kann leider mit dieser Tastatur keine Umlaute tippen :P)

Hello Infidelus,
For me it looks like a potential Steamworks problem (https://partner.steamgames.com/).
Do you have other games which use Steamworks?
Do they work?
I wonder as well if Steamworks fails on its own DRM check because it can not connect to Steam Server. (which makes it quit the application and try to restart it with Steam for a second attempt).
So it would be worth looking if the network setup is correct and Steam ports are open.

  • ** (steam:4268): WARNING **: Unknown device type 14
  • ** (steam:4268): WARNING **: Could not create object for /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1: unknown object type

I/We have not much Linux experience but I found logs with similar issues around the web and maybe one of these links give pointers:

Our director is using OSX Sierra in the newest version and it works fine for him.
Are you fully updated and still have this issue?