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I have loaded the save game, which took long because this map is massive but as you can see I got the minion list on screen.
So maybe we fixed it meanwhile unknowingly or we might do something different than you do.
Does changing HUD-Scale in Options->Gameplay fix the problem for you?
Otherwise maybe wait for then newest patch and confirm it is still a problem..

We had some success in improving the performance of your save game (reducing the main performance impact cause to only 5% time per frame of what it was before)

However we need to assure that the changes made do not impact the quality of worker task solving negatively.
Thus we wont release this fix with coming Patch 1.5.0 and let it under quality assurance for a later patch.

I will do some profiling but can not promise if a quick solution can be found.

No I think bugs are more often triggered if you have an unusual play style.
Then we do not encounter them on testing but you still run into.
However all need to be fixed and it's good when all bugs get spotted and fixed at the end.
Thus thanks for reporting them which helps to improve the game.

The issue has been fixed internally but the fix will be published with next Patch.
It's expected to be released in around two weeks.

Yes looks like and it is related to the graphics device or driver:
  • [Coherent Browser] (Info) VendorId {4318}, Driver ver. {0}
  • (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  • [Coherent Browser] (Error) Unable to initialize Direct3D9 device
  • (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)
  • [Coherent Browser] (Error) Unable to ensure rendering device. View creation aborted!

Next Patch Inhibitors will have individual voice lines.