Tus comentarios

The keys on those units are either wrong or missing, I replaced them with the correct keys now and created missing keys:

Archon (wrong key name):
- Archon_Archon_Vampirism_name
- Archon_Archon_Vampirism_description

Behemoth (key was missing entirely):
- Behemoth_Behemoth_Recuperation_name
- Behemoth_Behemoth_Recuperation_description

Colossus (wrong key name):
- Colossus_Colossus_KOGold_name
- Colossus_Colossus_KOGold_description

Colossus (key was missing entirely):
- Colossus_Colossus_Campaign_Buff_name
- Colossus_Colossus_Campaign_Buff_description

This will be sorted next Patch

This seems strange indeed. We need to take a look why they still remain unhappy.

Thanks for finding those! :)

Josh Bishop
It requires further design discussion to resolve this issue.
The other ticket cares about the opposite case "Not giving the player row progress yet for not yet reachable aspects"
Here the requested behaviour is "give progress to reach every pre-unlocked aspect"
Both approaches contradict each other.
And the other issue is that users can block their own progress down the Veins of Evil, by banning so many early aspects that not enough progress can be made to get to later aspects.

The question is how much we consider such "self-locks" as user error or if we want to avoid them by design.

I assigned this ticket back to you for clearification,

Hey Carlos,
please provide your both output_logs if you didn't restart the game yet.
Otherwiese please try to trigger the issue again, quit the game and upload your both logs (but especially the one which crashed, please inlcude the full crash log).

Here is how:

This helps us to see if any errors or warnings occured while this happens, which often makes it much easier to track an issue down.
