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Hello Sasuke Uchia,
this normally means that you lost connection to steam, steam is not running when starting the game or steam crashed.
Does your steam client show any errors on steam start up or when you start the game?
We had such an issue in the past, for some people it even fixed it self after a while.
However this is likely either an issue with your network connection (if not fixable, running Steam in offline mode will do) or an issue with your steam client (which can be fixed by reinstalling Steam software).

Please check and try these things and let us know if it helped.

Yes as long you import the same map it will always happen.
However we found and fixed the problem and it should work next patch. :)

Thank you for this log. It looks like there is a map specific issue, it may be a very old map you tried to import?
Did you try to import other maps which did show the same behaviour?
Nevertheless the log contains all information required to fix the specific issue or at least prevent it from breaking the entire import.
So we will look into getting it to work for next patch.

Hello RLGD,
what you describe can happen, when you lose steam connection after you started the game.
Because in this case the game fails to retrive your campaign progress from steam and finally needs to assume you didn't start yet.
So we had cases where this happened in the past and it was always either an issue with internet connection or with the steam client in this case reinstalling the steam software helped.
Hope the problem is now gone for you either.

Yes this picture we have seen, but we need the logs (follow link in my last post) to see which detailed error you got.
This is the only way we could find the root cause. Can you please share your log with us please?
It is important to grab the log directly after the error occured, because it will be overwritten with each start of the game.

Hello Frederik Blirup,
at very intense play the game can take up to 6GB RAM, but shouldn't be more than 4GB RAM at normal play.
You have 8GB RAM installed and windows takes 1-1.5GB, so if you have 8GB it should be always enough.
However my guess is you have other software running while playing the game which takes a lot RAM as well.
There must be at least 3GB used elsewhere to cause out of memory issues with the game on your system.

Can you right click the windows task bar (bottom bar) and start the windows task manager.
Can you open processes tab and sort them by memory usage?
There is likely something big on the top which occupies a lot of main memory while you play.
What is it and can it be closed while playing WftO?

Oh I forgot to answer the ticket.
So there was just a slight logical fail (a missing brace) in an ally-check which prevented other units from attacking rebelling units.

Now it works as intented, which is: A rebelling unit is allowed to deal the first hit, before it is demasked as an enemy. After the first of your units got any hit from the rebelling unit, every of your own units will fight back.
This is to make it look more interesting than just directly attacking a rebelling unit.
If the rebelling unit does not find other units to attack in view range, it will always try to find a gateway to leave your dungeon.

Hello Blue Cicero,
can you please try to import the same map again until the error pops and then quit the game and directly upload your logs before starting the game again.
Here you can read how to retrieve and upload the games logs https://forum.subterraneangames.com/threads/please-read-how-to-report-a-bug.4689/#post-51529

Can you also add which map does not not work, so we can try to reproduce?

Thank you