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Hello Thulium,
please report one issue per bug report in future as it makes it easier for us to keep track of different issues and fix them separately.

I have found the issue occurring with the Arena, which did run multiplayer code which should not run in single player mode and this caused issues when units were put in the Arena.
This explains at least the Arena issues part of the report.
I did now make sure that this is not causing trouble in single player.

Will also have a look into the other issues.

Can you both add your system specs and your logs (from after seeing the issue),
like described in the "How to: Submit a Bug Ticket" topic.

Hello YS1,
I have loaded your Home Realm save and this is what I get when i click on the minion tab:

So I can not reproduce any issue with the unit panel and I don't know how I can get to this state.

By any chance do you play in 4K resolution?
Our UI pluging (Coherent UI) is known to have still some issues with 4K res and some UI elements can randomly disapear.
In this case try to lower resolution a bit.
However we never had any report of such an issue with lower resolutions than 4K.

Hope this helps!


Hello Torbjorn,
you have got a very unusual error in your Player.log which should not be able to happen at all.
So we are a bit puzzled and wonder if the level file could be corrupted.
Did you already try to verify your steam files:

Does it help?

The speed modifier which just increases movement speed also affected work speed, which was wrong.
But not anymore ;)

This will work in next patch v1.4.2