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Hey again,

I am glad that we got the mutator issue sorted and you can now enjoy using mutators on maps.

For the other issues you mentioned: Would you mind to create new tickets?

For us it is the simplest to keep track about one particular issue per report which corresponds to one internal bug ticket to resolve.
This way we can prioritize, manage, assign and resolve separate issues individually.
Please include your output_log from the session where you encountered the issue in the tickets.
(How to do this is explained here http://brightrockgames.userecho.com/topics/118-how-to-submit-a-bug-ticket/)

Thanks for helping to make things better! :)

I did find one particular issue.
When you load a mutator in a game lobby (eg. Skirmish) and confirm it without doing any modifications after loading, it is not applied.

I fixed this bug now for next minor patch.

Was it this issue you did run into and is your entire report resolved by fixing this particular issue or is there another issue we should take a look at?

The final crash was caused by the Mono-Runtime which should never happen.
"mono.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module mono.dll at 0033:08e51703."
However the exceptions in your log did likely trigger this problem indirectly.
The save file seems corrupted and might be broken.

However we fixed all the exceptions were we could handle them.
So it may not crash anymore but might still cause issues (as there are even blocks missing which can only happen due to corruption of the save file).

Let us know if you get any issue with a newly created save files after the next patch is out.

Hello again,

thanks for your fast response and for helping to improve the game.

I did try all the steps you mentioned, but couldn't find any unintended behaviour.
But maybe something is confusing for you which seems clear for myself.

Let me comment on a few things you said above:

>> 3. Mutators had to create a mutator profile and press accept for the profile to apply in the editor

It is only needed to "save" a mutator preset, if you want to reuse the same mutator settings for multiple maps.
When saving a preset it takes just a snapshot of the current settings independent if they are applied or not.
When a mutator preset is saved it is not applied to the map unless confirmed.
So no matter if or if you not save a preset the current mutator settings are only applied when the "confirm" button is clicked.
After this the mutators are stored persistently with the map and should always apply when the map is played (except they are overriden in the game lobby eg. Skirmish).
When mutator changes are not confirmed they are always discarded.
And when you open the same map again in the map editor it should show the same mutator settings as you applied with "confirm" before.
Did you really confirmed the mutator changes before closing the map editor?

>> 6. Mutator profile load did not work, reseted itself back to default
>> 7. Had to edit the profile (example just clicked from a researched room to unlocked and back) for the game to save the profile
>> 8. After saving the profile and pressing accept the mutator loaded (visible in the map preview window on the right)

When you confirm mutator changes in any game lobby eg. Skirmish, it will only apply the mutator for the current game, but it won't store it persistently with the map.
The only way to apply mutator changes permanently for a map, is to confirm them in the map editor.

>> Also noticed when i edit a map in editor (that is published already by me) and I edit the mutators, the map on the steam workshop retains the old mutator profile. Did not happened all the time or I may not have find out why it happened yet. Anyway just a tip.

This seems also intended, the changes made on a map are only uploaded to Steam Workshop,
when you Publish the map again AND Select any publish type which is NOT "Local", otherwise only you local copy of the map will have the newest changes while your Steam Workshop remains unchanged.

>> Till i figured this out it really made my day, would be great if a tooltip told me that or if it would change the mutator by itself after edit.

I still do not understand what the confusion about this exactly is.
Thought it would be clear, that non-confirmed changes are always discarded and a dialogue tells that they are discarded.
What could we make better to avoid confusion?
Or do you play in a different language than English, so it could be any bad translation which is causing confusion with mutator settings?

in this case the AMD GPU driver did crash and the game crashed then in consequence.

The exact stack trace shows that:

atidxx64.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module atidxx64.dll at 0033:ccc08316.

0x00007FFBCCC08316 (atidxx64) AmdDxGsaFreeCompiledShader

0x00007FFBCCC089E6 (atidxx64) AmdDxGsaFreeCompiledShader

0x00007FFBCCC0279F (atidxx64) AmdDxGsaFreeCompiledShader

0x00007FFBCCC02945 (atidxx64) AmdDxGsaFreeCompiledShader

0x00007FFBCCC038BC (atidxx64) AmdDxGsaFreeCompiledShader

0x00007FFBCCC03806 (atidxx64) AmdDxGsaFreeCompiledShader

0x00007FFBCCC03764 (atidxx64) AmdDxGsaFreeCompiledShader

0x00007FFBCCC02ECC (atidxx64) AmdDxGsaFreeCompiledShader

0x00007FFBCCC02DE4 (atidxx64) AmdDxGsaFreeCompiledShader

0x00007FFBCCB8E158 (atidxx64) XdxInitXopAdapterServices

0x00007FFBCCB95D46 (atidxx64) XdxInitXopAdapterServices

0x00007FFBCCB86530 (atidxx64) XdxInitXopAdapterServices

0x00007FFBCD12865F (atidxx64) AmdDxGsaFreeCompiledShader

0x00007FFBCD1ED11B (atidxx64) AmdLiquidVrD3D11WrapDeviceContext

0x00007FFBCD1ED2C2 (atidxx64) AmdLiquidVrD3D11WrapDeviceContext

0x00007FFC017C8364 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk

And it seems a pretty common issue with this AMD Driver also in other games:


There is nothing we can do about this on our end.
It is a case for the AMD driver support.

However make sure you have installed the latest AMD GPU driver which may have the issue fixed already.

Hope this helps!


Hello Carlos,

I am not 100% sure if I understand the issue correctly.

So you said you changed mutators for your custom map and you confirmed your changes by clicking the "confirm" button.
Then you tested the mutators in a skirmish game and they did work,
but when you loaded the map again in the map editor all your mutator changes were lost?

Is this the problem or did I misunderstand?
Could you quickly make us an exact list of steps to reproduce the issue?