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Since Titan dismissal was disabled for the entire campaign, we now introduced a flag for this in the level mutator, which is only applied to Heart of Gold level 4.

This means now slapping Titans to death will always work except in said level.

I guess we took a shortcut on this one which was way too short :)
Thanks for reporting!

Alright we came to a conclusion.
All units but Sentinels got happy enough by Gild, because their wage is in a normal range.
But Sentinels (or more generic gold units) were not too overwhelmed by the gold amount given by Gild (because it is not much in contrast to their outrageous wage).
Thus we added an extra flat happiness bonus for Sentinels(gold units), which does NOT scale with the wage.
Depending on how unhappy the Sentinel already is, one cast of Gild might not be enough to recover, but it will definitely have now a remarkably positive effect on their happiness.
In next patch Gild will make Sentinels way more happy.

Hello Blechot,
das Bestaunen von Arenakaempfen wurde sehr spaet dem Spiel hinzugefuegt und deshalb hat keiner der Untergebenen irgendeine bestimmte Animation fuers "Zuschauen", sie spielen einfach ihre Idle-Animation aber die meisten Eineheiten spreechen einen bestimmten text bzw. jubeln wenn sie beim Kaempfen zuschauen.

Wenn es um bekehrte Gegner geht, dann sollten sie eigentlich nicht in der Arena sterben, aber wenn es sich einfach nur um Gefangene handelt, die nicht zuvor in der Folterkammer korrumpiert wurden, dann sterben sie in der Arena und das ist auch so gewollt.
Sie dienen dann naemlich einfach nur als Kanonenfutter fuer das Training der eigenen Truppen.

Bist du sicher, dass bereits konvertierte Gegener sterben und nicht einfache Gefangene?
Falls ja kannst du evtl. ein kleines Video aufzeichnen wo das passiert?

Viele Gruesse

Lets say there were cases where the server destroyed certain game objects which were in consequence then also destroyed on client due to our networking framework, but in a way the client was not aware and still tried to access them.
This did not always crash the game instantly, but I guess we both know the meaning of the term "unspecified behaviour" ;)

This issue will be fixed in coming patch v1.4.2

It makes them happy to some extent as any other unit but it might not be enough to recover fully.
The reason for this, is that the happiness provided by the spell depends on the wage of a minion, which normally makes sense.
The higher the wage, the less the gild spell effects the happiness and sentinels have an outrageous high wage.
So to make them happy you'd need to apply the spell like 100 times.
And there lies the mechanical issue.

There would be multiple possible solutions, eg. we could just make an exception for gold units, so they get much happier by the spell or it does not scale by the wage for them or it make them instant ecstatic or any other solution.
But I would like to get confirmation from the designer, which solution we should apply best.

Sorry we didn't made any update on this issue in v1.4.1 since we were unable to identify the cause.
However we found the cause this week and there will be a v1.4.2 soon which will fix the problem for you (hopefully).
Cheers and thanks for reporting :)

Kundesupport af UserEcho