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Hey Nutter & Leo,
both issues were harmless, though the second caused log spam, which caused gigantic log files.
However this issue should be resolved already.
There must be something wrong with the save game, if you can finish the level correctly when not playing with the corrupted save file then all should be fine by now.
We had multiple issues we hotfixed, unfortunately some save games got corrupted before we could fix the cause.
We are sorry for this, but it should work correctly from now on.
Let us know if you encounter issues with a freshly started or saved level since hotfix 1.4.2f5.

I studied the log files and it seems a corrupted save game was loaded.
We did a plenty of hotfixes since then, but I think the save file is damaged unrepairable.
Can you try to do the level simply again?
After the game got patched it should surely not break again.
If it does, please let us know.

Indeed 4:3 is not very common today, but I faked this resolution and was able to replicate the issue.
Now we made it screen ratio dynamic, which means it will just show less or more units at once depending on screen ratio and HUD Scale, to prevent it to be bigger than the screen and thus being fully omitted.
The issue will be fixed in next patch :)

Oh nooo you will have to beat your own daughter once she became an underlord.
And you only got a choice between greedy and selfish.
Now I feel pity for you :D

what could I add to this now?
I'm just gonna say: All my best wishes Ryan! :)

Found a second problem:
After units in AoE were queried there was a raycast check in addition to not hit enemies behind walls/obstacles.
Well it did not check if the ray was simply occluded by the target we wanted to hit.
And doors and cores of course occluded these rays (you should see my face palm now :D)
These issues will be fixed next patch.