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There are multiple problems occuring here.
Seems like the AI considers Neutral faction as an Enemy and it has a countdown before it is allowed to engage enemy properties, which is depending on difficulty between 11 and 45 minutes.

So it is not totally stuck but would take ages before it starts to claim the portal and the shrine.

I am going to make it not see neutral as an enemy, however maps usually use Terrain(factionId = -1) for unclaimed rooms on their map, which avoids problems like this.

However to not interrupt room building too much in the early game it has also a countdown to go for claiming the first shrine, which is depending on difficulty between two and an half and 10 minutes.

But on this maps this is bad, simnce the gold shrine is the only source of income, so I will make it go for gold shrines earlier, if it doesn't find gold.

Then all cores but the core of the faction in south east has lost connection to the ground and thus has not set the tiles below to unwalkable so units constantly ty to path into the core.

I need to see how this defect could have been happening.

The issue has been fixed internally for next hotfix.
Thanks for reporting!

We have this seen once but could never reproduce it.

I guess it doesn't happen if you restart the level?

If it does, please quit the game and upload your output_log.txt as described here:

Please also add your system specs as described in the link.


I am glad you could get it sorted.
Enjoy! :)

The shrine produces 3 Banshees and waits for them to be destroyed before new ones spawn.

Any chance the 3 Banshees got stuck anywhere and were never destroyed?

Hello LemonSouls,

to help on such issues we need your output_log which is generated always, even if no crash log is generated.

Can you please trigger the issue again, then quit the game and upload your output_log using the attach file button on the top of the text edit box.

Here are all details how to do that:


Hello Guys,
just to give you some background: We updated our UI middleware to a different version for Patch 2.0.

Before 2.0 we had quite some people unable to play the game at all, because this middleware didn't work for them, and now they all can finally play the game.

On the downside this upgrade brought a bunch of new issues, eg. worse performance on some system configurations.

We are working with the Vendor Coherent Labs to find solutions for these issues.

I recon it will take a while to get all these thirdparty issues sorted, but we are trying our best to encourage them to improve on these issues.

The latest hotfix was supposed to address this issue.
Please let us know if it is fixed or not by now.
