
This is working within the current confines of the creature AI for the Succubus. However I will take this feedback and pass it on to the designer to see if we can have the AI adjusted to account for this scenario.

Thanks for submitting this feedback. :)

Hi Bartek,

Unfortunately most of the team is currently on leave for Christmas holidays and those of our team who usually support Linux issues are currently away. This makes it a bit difficult to advise I'm afraid, it's a little unfortunate that we may have to wait until the new year until we can review your case properly. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Sorry once again and I will highlight your issue first thing in the new year.


Confirmed following the instructions above. Didn't notice it at first but it seems that rotation makes the right click menu inaccurate or more appropriately it causes the targeting to click through objects (Units, Defenses etc.) instead and select the tile below them.

I'll attach a video to demonstrate. Thanks for catching this, certainly a new issue.

Yes this appears to be an issue with the Sentinel and Stone Knight prefabs. Very easy to replicate just by spawning one of these units in so I'll pass it straight through to the code team to resolve.

Not sure how this came about actually quite an unusual case.

I'll note this down as some feedback when we have our audio contractors back in. Though I think this is too minor and likely opinion driven for it to see anything done to it.

Ticket will be declined but the feedback will be passed on.

We've been informed this should now be resolved :)

Hi Scarletemerald,

Thanks for reporting this to us, I've just made a post on the GOG forums regarding this. I'll attach that below, we'll be getting in touch with our counterparts at GOG first thing on Monday.

Sorry to hear about this issue with the DLC on the latest Hotfix. We've seen this issue occur before and we worked with our contacts at GOG to have it resolved as soon as possible.

Essentially for some reason, the DLC occasionally is no longer listed as supported on the new versions, this prompts galaxy to unistall the DLC when it upgrades the base game.

Unfortunately, we won't be able to take any actions until Monday so I'll keep you informed. In the meantime all we can suggest is to rollback to the last working version (1.6.66f3). Once again we're truly sorry for this inconvenience.



Tagging this for review. It's possible that this may not get a full look into until the new year.

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