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Confirmed this yesterday as well :) Passed it onto Code :)

Thanks for the report. I'll pass it on for code to look into.

In the meantime I have a few questions:

  1. When you say the camera becomes stuck where did it become stuck, can you describe to me exactly what happened
  2. Can you upload a screenshot of where you're stuck (or even better a video of it happening!)
  3. Can you describe what steps you took to complete the level, have you tried any of the optional objectives or achievements.

Bizzare, wouldn't expect to see tearing if FPS is locked at native refresh rate. Is there any chance you're running any DVR software, such as Shadowplay? It might be enabled without you knowing.

If not can you submit your outpuit log as well?

Aspect Ratio is a factor of resolution. Example common widescreen resolutions such as 1920x1080 are 16:9 Aspect Ratio while square screen resolutions such as 1024x768 are 4:3 aspect ratio.

Yes I should imagine both will be resolved in due course. I'm not too sure about the overlap on some UI elements as it's a bit difficult to account for the behaviour of scaling on all manner of resolutions, it looks as though you're playing on a 4:3 aspect ratio which is fairly unusual in this day and age :)

I'll highlight it though when we're a little fuirther down the line on a fix.

Hi Webbernever1,

Please can you add your full system specs including a Dxdiag output if possible.

In addition can you take a screenshot of the message for us.



Great to hear, hope you enjoy the game :)

We're aware of some issues with the highlighting system on objects that have attached VFX. :) There's already an internal report for that.

Also regarding the creature panel, is it the case that you've increased your UI scaling beyond the default, we're aware that on some screen resolutions if the UI scaling is above average then the creature panel can run off screen, when that happens it is completely hidden. We'll be look at fixing this in a future patch because it's a surprisingly complex issue.