Dina kommentarer

Hi Luke,

Sorry to hear you're having issues with the game. If I'm right looking at your system specs am I right in thinking that the game is installed on your HDD? The game can take some time to load on its first ever boot, can I just confirm you've waited for a while when launching the game, 15 minutes should be more than enough to confirm something else is happening.




Hi Horst.49,

Sorry to hear you've suffered a crash? Unfortunately there's not much information to go on in your ticket.

Could you include a full description of when and how the issue occured and log as well as your dxdiag as detailed here: How to: Submit a Bug Ticket

Hi Oldpollution,

Sorry to hear you've suffered a crash issue here. This is a standard Unity crash 

Can you try all the suggestions in Crash!

Then update this ticket with your output logs and dxdiag How to: Submit a Bug Ticket



Bonjour Mael Foruny,

Thanks for getting in touch and I'm sorry that you're affected by this issue as well. I updated our knowledgebase article on this topic today following some investigations we did over the weekend now that we have our hands on an affected hardware.

We've been able to confirm that this is a problem in Unity 5.4.6f3 which is the version of Unity WFTO is built on. We tested this with a blank project and confirmed the same behaviour in not just a built version of the game but also with the Unity Editor itself. Which is a huge problem for troubleshooting. We're investigating options now and will inform everyone affected once we have a concrete solution.



Hello GON,

Thank you for your patience! I am pleased to hear you are able to play the game.

We hope to investigate a better solution to the problem this month. For now, please enjoy the game!

Good luck,



お待ちいただいてありがとうございます! あなたがゲームをプレイできると聞いてうれしいです。

今月は、この問題のより良い解決策を調査したいと考えています。 今のところ、ゲームを楽しんでください!



Hello GON,

From my understanding of your problem the issue you are encountering is: Game does not start. Crash after splash screen on start up. [Windows 10 - 10th Gen Intel Iris Laptop, Microsoft Surface 7]

This is a new issue which affects WIndows PCs on the latest Intel CPUs (10th gen and later)

You should be able to launch the game if you disconnect from the internet. Not sure why this works but it does.

We are investigating further and will report on a fix when we find one.

Thank you for your patience,



あなたの問題についての私の理解から、あなたが直面している問題は Game does not start. Crash after splash screen on start up. [Windows 10 - 10th Gen Intel Iris Laptop, Microsoft Surface 7]

これは、最新のIntel CPU(第10世代以降)のWindowsPCに影響する新しい問題です。

インターネットから切断すると、ゲームを起動できるはずです。 なぜこれが機能するのかわかりませんが、機能します。




Hi Yuillandrew,

That's very peculiar, if you're connected to Steam and your steam cloud sync is complete you shouldn't be able to lose progress like that, the only reset possible is to reset the progress on the main campaign by using the reset option. 

Outside of that your save and profile should be recorded on the Steam Cloud and syncing up to that should always keep it restored. I'm not sure what to suggest otherwise.

I realise it's been a bit since you submitted this, have you managed to restore your progress?


Hi Omnivox,

Apologies for the delay in response here. I'm glad to hear the workaround worked for you, this would also have been what we suggested for the time being.

We are working on getting an affected system so we can test internally and see if we can identify the problem. Apologies for the inconvenience. 

I'll keep you informed of any developments.

Hi Dhughes,

Thanks for dropping these in with us. We're still investigating right now. Hopefully we can find a better solution.

