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From my understanding of this ticket, you've attacked the gateway that spawns after the others have been destroyed and nothing happened to it.

It is unintended to be able to destroy that gateway, seems like units in possession should not be able to damage this but for some reason are able to. Can you confirm my analysis, just want to make sure you have nothing more serious happening. :P

@Josh likely just not hidden?

Hi Traian Andrei,

Sorry to hear about the issues you've had when launching the game. Though I highly approve of step 9 and thinking we may have to add that to our knowledge-base.

I suspect from your description that you've already been through our troubleshooting steps for General Crash Troubleshooting and sStartup Crashes and usually that resolves the vast majority of issues. My next bit of advice would be just on the off-chance it works give the D3D settings a try from Missing, Invisible or Laggy UI. It may make a small difference. I'd also recommend trying different Windows compatibility modes just in case.

I can see you've pasted in your output log, it'd be great once you've tested again if you can upload the full log to us, you can upload it as a file directly here.



Not a bug, this was an intended change in Patch 1.4 I think.

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