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Hi Wizo_Paradox,

Sorry to hear you've been affected by this issue and thank you for submitting your output log and dxdiag. :)

For the moment could I ask you to try using the previous build branch on Steam (How to: Access the Debug Branch on Steam) I believe this should allow you to play the game for now and the changes included in 2.0.8 are quite minor for the moment. Please let me know if this does or does not work for you.

Additionally could I ask you to confirm whether when the game crashes it does so with an error message or not?

I will update you as soon as I know more. Thanks,


Hi Yoann,

Sorry to hear you've been affected by this issue and thank you for submitting your output log and dxdiag. :)

For the moment could I ask you to try using the previous build branch on Steam (How to: Access the Debug Branch on Steam) I believe this should allow you to play the game for now and the changes included in 2.0.8 are quite minor for the moment. Please let me know if this does or does not work for you.

I will update you as soon as I know more. Thanks,


We talked a little on Discord and here's what I suggested to try:

So a few things to try:

- Refresh the game's cache and try to boot it
- Roll the game back to 2.0.7 and try boot
- Reinstall the game from scratch and try again
- Update your graphics drivers? Or perhaps they have recently updated?

I wish I knew another Unity 5.6 game to point you at as well to see whether the issue is present there, as we don't have any say over what the engine hooks into for a renderer.


If possible could you drop in a save file where this issue is occuring. Unfortunately it's likely to be quite low priority but I'll drop it into our backlog anyway to see if we can't take a look next time we have a wander through.

How to: Locate your save files



Hi Kaox,

Good to hear that the game is running in 2.0.7 for the time being we should have everything we need. It may be helpful to get our hand on a Dxdiag output (How To: Generate a DXDiag Report.) so we can determine if there's a common link between affected users.

For the time being please enjoy the game in 2.0.7, there's very limited differences between the two versions and we'll try to investigate what causes the crash and will be back in touch with next steps when we can. (Depending on the availability of our tech team this may mean anything from a few days to several months)

Sorry again and thank you,


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