Your comments

Hi Notacode,

The screenshot you provided is an screenshot of the error log. What I'd like to see is if when you crash you receive an output from the game or engine, though I confess my knowledge of Mac is not extensive I would expect to see some sort of popup box with a message in it.

Still I've forwarded this onto our code team for review one of whom is familiar with OS X related issues. We'll look into the log provided and see what might be happening.



Ah I forgot to post back here but I wasn't able to replicate this on the internal build and the save file didn't seem to have an issue. There are some pathfinding tweaks in the upcoming hotfix. When that's out give it another try and let us know if you're still suffering form the issue.

Hi Chris,

I've moved your topic to the WFTO Bug Report forum.

First steps are to try the suggested workarounds for this issue as listed here: Missing, Invisible or Laggy UI

Give those a shot and let us know how you get on. As it's the weekend response times might be a little longer but I'll do my best to help you when I can.



If you receive an error message can you provide a screenshot of that as well? Give the workaround a try and let us know how you get on in the meantime I'll forward this for review by our coders.

Hi Notacode,

Thanks for the report and sorry to hear about the trouble's you're facing.

I'd like to gather a few more details from you please can you answer these questions:

  • What version of OS X are you running
  • How long have you owned WFTO has it worked previously?
  • What happens when the crash occurs?

Just to let you know I've also put your log into a file and uploaded it to make the opening post easier to read.

Please give the following threads a read:

How to: Submit a Bug Ticket - See if there's anything more you can provide that you think might assist us in diagnosing this issue.

OS X Crash on Startup (v1.4.0+) - We had an OS X crash previously which was fixed in 1.4.2f5 but just in case check this thread to see if the crash is similar, if so give the workaround a try.



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