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Closing due to lack of customer response.

Hi Dani,

Thanks for getting in touch.

Here's the next steps:

1. Please provide your output log as described in this article: How to: Submit a Bug Ticket

2. Please confirm you've followed all the solutions as presented in these articles: General Crash Troubleshooting, Startup Crashes



Thanks for great info in the report. I'll pass this on to the code team :)

Just dropping in quickly this weekend. Have you tried the suggested workarounds here: Missing, Invisible or Laggy UI

Thanks for the report. I'll get this off to the code team and hopefully they might be able to get something from the Save.

Closing due to lack of response from Customer.

Great to hear and thanks for pointing us in that direction.

I've had a quick chat with one of the coders and I'm afraid we will not be able to have the game automatically search all network adapters, this is because the engine simply doesn't allow it.

We should however be able to add the ability to attempt to join a game at a manually inputted IP Address. I'll Mark this as complete but I'll be passing through an improvement ticket to implement such a feature.

I'll also create a knowledge base article with your workaround. Thanks for the info!