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That's very interesting info Mark Smith, Vexual do you by chance also have a monitor attached to your Mac? If so we may have found a missing link that we can pass straight on to Unity! We'll have to test this with our Mac tomorrow as well.

Thanks for the update Vexual, we'll keep pushing Unity for a hasty fix.

Hi MarAri,

Please can you provide additional information for us:

  1. Was the save file in question created before the latest patch
  2. At what point in the level was the save file created?

Hi Guillermo,

Sorry to hear about your issues with the game. We wouldn't expect to see crashes at all, let alone as regularly as you're reporting them.

The top priority is identifying the cause of the crashes. Having looked into your output log I can't see anything indicative of a crash in it. Is this output log from a time when a crash occured?

Can you confirm the nature of the crash, as in how the crash occured. Did you receive an error message or was this a straight crash to desktop? What is happening at the time of the crashes.

Have you tried the solutions proposed in these topics: General Crash Troubleshooting, Startup Crashes.

Hope we can help you get into the game!

Hi Hawketastic,

First of I'd like to say thanks for your reports unfortunately I can't accept these as we only accept singular bug reports per ticket (it's just much easier for us to manage.) but I can give you feedback on each of these things.

1. Hovering units and Chasms should be fixed in Patch 1.4.2

2. Lairs becoming invisible on save/load should be fixed in Patch 1.4.2

3. Don't believe we've seen any reports of this, I just gave it a quick test and couldn't replicate so I think it's possibly been fixed by a related change

4. Infinite load on restarting level 2 has also not been reported and in a quick test just now I wasn't able to replicate. Either this is fixed or the issue is deeper on your end. Will need you to check and provide us the appropriate details.

5. Tested Deepforge Cavern and can confirm it seems to hang before the end of loading. We'll be having a look into it.

If possible please submit the appropriate bug tickets again but as individuals following our guidelines that are laid out here: How to: Submit a Bug Ticket



Hi Ryan,

Thanks for your feedback, firstly I'm going to have to decline this ticket as currently this mechanic is working as intended. However you can always submit your suggestion straight to our official forums.

Now with regards to this I can say that we've played with many different variations of this in the past and there's no one solution that ever fits anyone's desires with the workers. In fact we previously had a system very similar to what you described but we received feedback from players to tweak it so that they dig out with a higher priority.

Ultimately it's unlikely that we'll change worker priorities much from where they are now. But we've provided several ways for players to override priorities. Firstly with simply dropping workers onto a task to assign them manually or by using worker rally to have workers prioritize tasks in a certain area.

Once workers are performing a task they'll usually try to prioritize finishing it unless something higher priority appears nearby.

Hope that helps,



Great to hear, we'll close this down for now but if you have any more problems please get in touch!