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Closing due to lack of customer response.

Closing due to lack of customer response.

Confirming that even with Vysync disabled I'm not getting above 60FPS.

Hi YS1,

I've merged your ticket with a related one. Please read the comment from Scott above and see if it helps. In the meantime I'm going to set this back to pending customer.

Hi Blechot,

Apologies but I'm unable to understand German. I'll bring your ticket to the attention of our German coder.

If possible would you be able to submit the information listed under this article? How to: Submit a Bug Ticket



Hallo Blechot , Entschuldigt , aber ich bin nicht in der Lage Deutsch zu verstehen. Ich werde Ihr Ticket , um die Aufmerksamkeit unserer deutschen Coder bringen . Wenn möglich, würden Sie in der Lage sein, die Informationen zu übermitteln unter diesem Artikel enthalten sind? Gewusst wie: Einen Bug Ticket

Hi Curry Days,

We've seen your work and we even fixed a bug that would prevent your translation files from working on updates a short while ago :)

We're really happy that the Japanese community has taken a keen interest in the game and we're pleased that some fantastic individuals have taken it on themselves to pursue a community translation. I can't see many reasons why we'd take exception to a community translation. I think the only situation where we'd request a mod like that be pulled is if it causes issues for players or attempts to profit from them.

Needless to say as developers we want to see our game reach as many players as possible so we have no issue with the continuation of your project.

As Andrew correctly pointed out we're looking to officially support community translations starting with the next major patch. We're looking into options for streamlining the process for creating and updating unofficial translations, to that end we'll likely be providing templates, the ability to drop individual files into the translation folder instead of modifying gametext, updates to the community when we add new translation keys and potentially workshop support for community translations.

We look forward to seeing what our various communities can achieve once we put that support in and we hope that the Japanese community will continue to enjoy the game in their native language!


Lee Moon

Community Manager

Brightrock Games

Hi Bulbaner,

That's a truly impressive bug, thanks for the in depth report on it and don't worry it appears everything is right from what I can see. Especially pleased that you submitted a save file.

I had a chat with the coders and it seems we have seen this once before but only once and we could never replicate it. We think that the issue might be fixed in the next patch anyway due to another fix we implemented but we'll take what's here and check what we can find anyway.

Essentially what's happening is for some reason Mandalf has failed to spawn at the correct timing, as part of the script where he spawns his guards are also spawned, because the scripting engine detects the fail it attempts to loop in order to reach a success state. So it loops the spawning of the guard until whatever is preventing the Mandalf spawn is gone and it successfully spawns him.

Anyway I'll pass this on now, but you may very well find this will be fixed in the upcoming patch! :)