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Thanks for updating us David, best of luck with your GPU! :O

One thing I'd say is make sure you've got VSync on, if you've not that could cause the game to render out more frames than necessary and may cause the aforementioned overheating.

Those damn dirty occuli. Thanks for the report I'll mark it for review when/if we can spare the code time :)

Thanks I'll mark this as a backlog issue for us to investigate if/when we can.

We'll be looking to push the patch live this week, if not then we'll be live next week at the latest which should solve your initial issue.

I wonder if you would be kind enough to raise a separate issue on the topic of being unable to access DLC while offline in the GOG Version. Definitely shouldn't be happening but I have no idea why it is so i'll have to ticket it for investigation when we can afford some more code time on it.

