Your comments

Confirmed and replicated. I'll pass this through now.

Straight forward replication steps:

  1. Start Heart of Gold Level 2
  2. Allow a hhero party to spawn
  3. Save and load the level
  4. The Hero party will now move at full speed

This occurs for any currently living hero parties but newly spawned ones will obey the rules.

Thanks for the report.

There were fundamental issues with them that we couldn't fix within the scope of the work we were doing. It's a long time ago now so I can't quite recall what the exact issues were but essentially they did not work very well and broke too often. Basically they were more work than they were worth.

However I can say that if things go according to plan we're looking to provide more options in the 2.0 update for map creators so hopefully there'll be something that can be done on the map makers' side. However I can't make any promises.

Marking for further review by QA Analyst most likely after New Year.

Certainly agree with you on this. It's not ideal but sadly we're too far down the road to change this now. The solution to this for future projects would be true pronged. 

1. Better reporting tools

2. Clearer file names

Sorry I couldn't help you on this one.

We're currently wrapping up for Christmas so it's possible this may not be fully reviewed till the new year. I'll mark it as In review for now. I believe the Obsidian issue should be resolved in Patch 1.6.66f4.

Anything ordinary maybe? Had you just come out of another level or was this pretty much straight after you started the game? Were you loading a saved game or starting the level fresh. Anything might help point us in a direction to look. :)

Unfortunately I was not able to replicate this issue. I'll keep it Under review for our QA Analyst to check out the save file.

Replication steps I tried:

-Clean Map (Hollow)

- Created an Empire owned Tavern

- Captured it

- Dropped Gnarlings into the Tavern

- Created an Empire owned Tavern and workers to fill the Spitroast

- Captured

-Dropped Gnarlings into the Spitroast

Both of these tests were successful. So there must be another factor at play here.

Alright that solves our mystery then. Thanks! :)

This will require further review. Likely in the new year.

Confirmed this issue. Will pass it through for code review. Again relatively minor so it won't be high on the priority list I'm afraid.

Incredible work finding all of these by the way somehow some of these have gone unnoticed for quite some time. :)