Your comments

Gave this one a quick test, unfortunate I could not seem to replicate. No matter how I tried the moment the video is no longer playing in any form the music returns. 

Perhaps an isolated issue?

Feel free to chuck us a reply if you can provide further insight. :)

Unfortunately I can't replicate based off the information provided. Each unit has a different setup for this so it may be an issue with a particular unit. Was there any unit in particular that you saw this on?

Confirmed via the replication steps provided. I'll be passing this through to the programmers to take a look at for 2.0.

It's worth noting that this only applies to the saved (editable) version of the map, re-importing the exported map will have the mutators as previously set. This seems to indicate that at some point something has gone awry when keeping the mutators in the save file.

Unfortunately I have not been able to replicate this issue and as far as I can see there doesn't appear to be anything that stands out in the output log. I don't suppose you happen to have a save just before or after the issue occured?

Hi Gregored,

This is indeed normal. The Map Editor allows you to select practically any theme for the Empire faction that you desire including themes you have not yet unlocked. The three themes you mentioned are somewhat exclusive as you might imagine the Kickstarter and Founder's themes were made available to Kickstarter backers only but are now actually available as part of a charity drive. The Dark Arcane theme is not currently available outside of the physical edition of the game but we have a plan to make that available sometime in the future, it will likely be earned as opposed to bought as well. :)

Hope that helps,


Not sure if this issue can actually be addressed, we'll have to look into it. For the most part it's working as intended as defenses are meant to be triggered by any left click in possession.

It's not strictly a bug so I will be declining this but I will submit it as feedback to review prior to Patch 2.0. Thanks for the submission! :)

This was removed when the neutral faction was overhauled in Patch 1.4. Currently working as intended. Thanks for all the reports though we'll try to review them all as quick as possible :)

I'll likely be revisiting the Map Editor tutorials for Patch 2.0 so hopefully deprecated stuff should be gone.

I'm closing this ticket as we now have an internal support ticket. The issue does not appear to be a bug in War for the Overworld rather an issue on Steam's end. Pending further investigation tomorrow.

Great, I'll look forward to hearing good news! :)

No worries on your Network game, to be honest it's a pretty arcane subject very similar to black magic. Even with a BSc in Computer Networking it's still requires a sacrificial ritual involving a goat before it works as anticipated. :)

Funnily enough our Australian producer is also called Scott no relation I presume. ;)



This looks correct. Virtual Servers is essentially what is conventionally known as port forwarding. It'll ask for an external port as it needs to know what to listen to, any traffic that reaches the router with that port ID will automatically be forwarded to the Interal port on the client IP Address you set. Provided there's a service listening on that port :)

So basically. IP Packet reaches router > router reads the port ID > If port ID is in the forwarding table (virtual servers) > forward to chosen internal IP with the chosen internal port. 

So when your friend tries to connect now as long as something is listening on that port (in this case WFTO) data should come through from your router to your PC. Whenever you're asked to port forward by an application (Usually for hosting game servers these days) you'd usually use this setup.