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Hi Dylan,

Sorry to hear you're having issues with the game. I've never seen that error before and it looks like it's not part of our codebase that's firing it off... I'd be a bit concerned that it might be something in Unity otherwise it's possibly code used for a third-party plugin. .cpp means C++ while Unity's script 

That something like this would suddenly start falling over suggests there's been a change somewhere along the line. As we've not pushed any updates since August it's certainly not a change we've pushed. I note that Mac OS v12.1 is a recent release (December?) I wonder if your Mac updated to a new version and with this it's broken something fundamental used here?

Are you able to confirm whether there were any software updates on your side when the game broke? Update history on Mac OS?

In the meantime I'm going to mark this down as something for us to look into as soon as I can get some code time resource on WFTO. (It's in maintenance mode right now)

I'm currently on holiday until Wednesday (New Years and all that) so I'll try to look into it a bit further when I'm back at work and ask around. 

A very quick google shows this problem pops up for quite a few games running on different engines and I found some reference that this is a Steamworks issue (Valve's API for Steam). About 2/3 through the loading bar is when WFTO checks for Steam so that seems to possibly add up. A user I saw having this issue with another game simply had to restart their steam client and the issue was resolved. Maybe give that a try and update me. :)



Hi Codekiller,

Can you provide replicable steps for this issue? 

In my experience this is a very, very uncommon issue. The video provided does demonstrate a clear bug but I couldn't begin to tell you why until we've seen it ourselves.

Some stuff that would be helpful to know: 

  • Is this a custom map? It certainly looks like it and if so can you point exactly to which map this is
  • Who is the owner of the neighbouring tile?
  • Have you used Worker Rally at any point?
  • Were you able to dig out the rest of the gold there and successfully claim other tiles?

If you still have it a save file of the affected game and level would be good as well.

My best guess looking at this is that somehow the tile data has become corrupted for that particular tile and this is causing the workers to not recognise it as claimable, which is why they ignore it. I'd be inclined to believe that it could be something that the map creator inadvertently did somehow, perhaps a script misfired or a combination of how they used the tools resulted in unusually corrupt data.

Edit: Actually looking again I suspect there may be a trap on the enemy tile. This could be why the workers are ignoring the tile as the trap will be generating threat causing them to flee, obviously whatever is there is only triggered if you step on it, perhaps an alchemine, so it causes unusual and undesirable behaviour as the worker is fleeing what is invisible to the player. Did you explore the tile further? Did you try running a possessed unit onto it or rallying your minions onto the tile?

I suspect the other issues on this topic are more generic on the nature of worker behaviour which can at times do things the player does not wish it to do, hence why they are resolved. Fundamentally that's a flaw in the game's design for sure and one that would take a lot of work to address. Where possible the worker AI tries to make sensible decisions and there are tools to override it but they are very broad and not at all as in-depth.

Of course as you rightly identified WFTO does not get many updates now, that's simply a matter of its age and the time our team has available to spend on it. We're a small team and WFTO is a project we released in 2015, it got its last major update in 2018 and honestly that's a pretty long lifespan for a game to receive updates. 

Now our team is working on a new project there's precious little time to dedicate to WFTO's maintenance, and only the most disastrous bugs will get immediate attention. While we do want to provide maintenance this must be done on a timescale that does not disrupt our other work significantly. So it is possible other bugs may be addressed in patches but these will be few and far between and not every bug in WFTO will be fixed. That's just the nature of software development and more frankly, the nature of keeping the lights on in the studio.

So, please provide the details you can, I will drop this in our backlog and if we can we will get to it. If you drop a save file in it I might look at it myself as I do play around with WFTO on occasion. 

I hope that helps to cast a light on why issues like this go unaddressed but also what you can do to help us if we do get to investigate it further.


Hi BR Nick,

Looks like you've run foul of an issue with the 2.0.8 version of the game that we're aware of. We'll be investigating further in 2022 but in the meantime you can roll back to 2.0.7 and the game should work for you.

Please see this topic: Crashes on Startup After Splash & Loading in v2.0.8

