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Hi Tute,

That is truly peculiar and I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with the framerate with certain UI elements. If I had to take a guess it'd be a result of the Coherent GT Middleware which renders the UI (as a webpage) interacting in a strange way with your setup/drivers. We've not had any similar reports and currently we don't have access to our AMD testing machine (It's still in the office, we're all out of due to the pandemic) so I can't verify whether it's an issue with the latest drivers.

I'll throw it into our backlog for our team to investigate once we swing back around to WFTO for a maintenance pass in the meantime if you could chuck the output log for your affected session across that'd be great.



Hi Gojiru,

Sorry to hear about the crashes. You can submit the logs as zip files direct to us on here.



You need to build a 5x5 version of each of the rooms indicated. I just tried the achievement myself and can confirm that it works as intended are you sure you built a 5x5 version of the Barracks, Lair and Slaughterpen?

If you press scroll lock you can bring up the console that will confirm when the conditions are achieved.

Additionally although we previously recommended that users try to disable their Intel GPU if they have a backup dedicated GPU we no longer recommend this as it has no effect on the issue.

There should be no significant harm caused by disabling your device driver for your GPU as windows will automatically rollback to the generic display driver. (This is exactly what it does while booting in safe mode.Without display drivers) E.g. I confirmed this behaviour before I recommended it by disabling my only display adapter on my PC. But either way it should be a simple matter to recover from safe mode. But of course all steps are done at the user's own risk.

Still, we no longer recommend this anyway and we only recommended it in the case where two GPUs were present.

We've updated our knowledgebase article on this issue Game does not start. Crash after splash screen on start up. [Windows 10 - 10th Gen Intel Iris Laptop, Microsoft Surface 7] with a known working solution to this.

It should be noted that we're still unsure as to what the root cause is. But it is exclusive to devices running the latest mobile intel platform. No other platforms desktop or AMD are affected. 

You are correct that Unity does work with Intel GPUs and this is the case for all Intel platforms prior to this one. The game does run on for example Intel's UHD graphics though we do not recommend it. But at the moment all affected devices have this platform in common. That is to say this crash is unique to devices built on the 10th Gen Mobile Intel CPUs.

For now the workaround is to disable your connection to the internet. We don't know why this works as we're not utilising anything that calls back at all during this time, interestingly if you restore internet access during play the whole engine crashes out within moments, which is the exact issue you encounter at the start (it just occurs before the game even truly starts to load). As soon as Unity begins to boot it crashes which is why the output_log unceremoniously ends before even WFTO's version string can be called or the UI can be initialised to render the loading screen.

What's interesting is that the user has to be completely disconnected from the internet, blocking WFTO.exe or WFTOGame.exe via the firewall does not work.

To be clear everything you see in the output_log at that point is Unity's code and not WFTO. You'll find consistent code across all Unity based applications.

For now we're expecting it'll be in one of two places. The GUI Middleware that the game runs which is effectively a web browser (This is next in the boot order) or something which Unity does to call home, perhaps unity analytics which could be resolved in a later engine version but we're at the end of our particul.ar branch.

Either way we will be investigation this issue in more depth in the future.

This seems to be an entirely different issue than the one raised in this topic. Specifically your issue seems to be that custom campaigns are not showing up in your load menu whilst in-game.

Can you confirm that you're looking in the right category, the in-game load menu sorts by map type, which may vary depending on what the map maker set for that level. Typically most custom campaign levels will be scenario maps. Meanwhile the load game on the custom campaign menu looks for saves related to those maps afaik.

If you check the above (check each category) and it stills doesn't show up then please feel free to raise your own report.

That's kind of hilarious. We never knew about this! I'll add it to our backlog and see if we can't get a quick fix in whenever the team has time for a new patch.

Hi Troysfall,

Sorry to hear that you're running foul of a memory leak, these are pretty tricky issues to isolate and one we've not really seen a report of for some time. Clearly 12-14GB is certainly not normal for the game, and not something we'd expect to see after 2-3 hours in any of the game modes really but especially not the campaign or MPD.

What's difficult about this is that we don't know what the initial cause could be. For example you say the game uses roughly 5GB upon starting, whilst our tests show around 2.8GB and stable after 2 hours of idling on the main menu. So to investigate further it might help if we know the following:

  • What level(s) are you most commonly playing right now
  • Is there anything you use extensively in your strategy, how do you go about building your dungeon (Screenshots might help)
  • Are there any levels in particular you're seeing it shoot up more, is there anything particular you're doing here.

It'd help a lot as well if you can play the game, until you see a spike in the memory usage and then send save files for affected levels. That'd at least help us play the levels where you're seeing a potential leak. How to: Locate your save files

The only thing I saw of note in your output_log was a mention of a potential UI Memory leak from the middleware responsible for that. I see from the crash log attached you were playing level 5 of the main campaign at the time or had just completed it?



Verified this myself. He has a team colour map but does not change team colour in any way in game.