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Truly sorry for that, it's always a pain when an issue turns up with the underlying engine and specific hardware configurations. Hopefully it won't be too long until we receive a response from Unity, although sometimes depending on their priorities it can take a little while.

Hi Vracken,

To confirm have you tried all the fixes listed under this article: Missing, Invisible or Laggy UI Depending on what thread you read there may be more solutions under this more up to date article. (In particular reports suggest that the D3D9 or 11 settings seem to be a common fix.

I've just downloaded Crimson on our AMD machine and my suspicion would be a similar option to the one we request changes on would be listed under the War for the Overworld entry in the gaming tab. Is there any chance you'd be able to send us a screenshot of that screen in particular so we can check if this is the case?



Thanks for that I'll get them passed on to check.

One more thing you could try as I've heard a couple of reports that disabling the Steam Overlay for WFTO increases performance quite a bit. Maybe give that a try while we look into your files? :)

Had a look into this and can confirm. It appears that these units do not have any need other than gold. This means if they ever miss a payday or for whatever reason get less wage than necessary they will drop immediately to unhappy.

Not sure why giving them the pay after didn't work though or why they missed the payday in the first place. Exporting to Internal Tracker :)

Well that's disappointing. I suspect that this is something to do with Garbage Collection but it sounds like it's particularly bad on your rig for some reason.

I'm going to pass this back to the code team for them to go over. In the meantime would you be able to provide a new output log and a save file for the map that you suffer the most issues on.

Once I've got those I'll pass it on, we'll double check them just to see if there's anything that particularly stands out. Unfortunately it may be the case that this simply won't get better very quickly, we do our best to find further optimizations for WFTO but a lot of places where we could gain even more are so buried underneath years of code that'd it's a monumental task to even begin to touch them up.

Assuming the PC Upgrade fixed your issue as we've not seen a response from you but please let us know if you continue to have problems.

Unfortunately I'll have to mark this as declined as we do not have the appropriate information to proceed. If you continue to have an issue please let us know!

Closing due to lack of customer response.

Closing due to lack of customer response